RichFaces 4.5.2.Final Release Announcement
Posted by michpetrov in Michal Petrov's Blog on Jan 15, 2015 11:57:56 AMRichFaces 4.5.2.Final is available for download.
Among other things, we have fixed several issues with Push and also enabled Websockets in our Showcase.
Important notes
Jar renaming
Two of our jars have been renamed:
- richfaces-components-a4j to richfaces-a4j
- richfaces-components-rich to richfaces-rich
If you're using maven for your projects this doesn't affect you.
FileUpload issue in IE10/11
<rich:fileUpload> may not work for you with Mojarra 2.2.7+ and Internet Explorer. This is caused by an error in Mojarra code and an irregular behavior of Internet Explorer. The issue is not always present but breaks the component. The issue will be fixed in Mojarra 2.3.0-m02; if you're using the JBoss distribution of JSF the patch has been backported into 2.2.9-jboss-2. In the meantime, this JavaScript function can be used as a workaround - make sure to run it before you start uploading:
addNames = (function () { var added = false; return function() { if (!added) { $.each(document.forms, function() { $.each(this.elements, function() { = || ""; }); }); } added = true; } })();
Unfortunately several of our components do not function well inside <ui:repeat> in Mojarra 2.2.6+ as the behavior of the component was changed. We recommend using <a4j:repeat> instead until this issue is resolved.
Release Notes
- [RF-12695] - rich:select incorrect behavior on IE with many selectItems
- [RF-13913] - Problem with rich:collapsiblePanel state/PartialViewState
- [RF-13925] - tooltip: the @onshow is called before the tooltip is displayed
- [RF-13927] - Nested collapsibleSubTable not collapse All Sub Level SubTable
- [RF-13928] - a4j:push events (dataavailable) do not trigger a4j:ajax listener
- [RF-13929] - a4j:push does not work with subtopics and JMS
- [RF-13930] - rich:select broken with empty list
- [RF-13931] - Showcase: remove reference to richfaces-parent
- [RF-13933] - ExtendedDataTable duplicates inside ui:repeat
- [RF-13935] - JMS Push long delay between eneable and disable after upgrade atmosphere
- [RF-13938] - page-fragments: inputNumber*: the setValue does not clean the input
- [RF-13941] - ExtendedDataTable - selecting all rows not working
- [RF-13942] - rich:select single item list still present
- [RF-13945] - ajax requests in multipart forms cause error in < 2.2.0
- [RF-13946] - The "onclick"event is not triggered when clicking on the bottom part of "rich:select" component.
- [RF-13952] - richfaces-core defines finalName conflicted with components/rich/pom.xml
- [RF-13954] - showcase: cannot be deployed on tomcat
Component Upgrade
- [RF-13926] - Update weld-servlet dependency to 2.2+
- [RF-13907] - Positioning attributes - JointPoint and Direction Doc is confusing
- [RF-13914] - Showcase online: websockets don't work
- [RF-13937] - page-fragments: ignore StaleElementReference exceptions in all waiting methods
Feature Request
- [RF-13932] - page-fragments: autocomplete: reimplement confirm and select methods so they will not submit the form with HTTP unnecessarily
- [RF-13934] - Create Arquillian profile for WildFly 8.2