6 Replies Latest reply on Aug 17, 2015 6:16 PM by rareddy

    Can't resolve teiid-parent maven heirarchy




      • What do repositories must I add need to enable consumption of teiid-admin via maven?
      • Why does a released version of teiid depend on a pre-release ancestor pom?   org.jboss.as:jboss-as-parent:pom:7.5.0.Final-redhat-15 pom file in the jboss "Product EAP 6.4.0 Alpha" repository


      I must be doing something wrong because I can't add Teiid admin to my project because the pom ancestry disappears into a non release repository.  Does this seem right?


      Error Seen


      Non-resolvable import POM:

        Could not find artifact org.jboss.as:jboss-as-parent:pom:7.5.0.Final-redhat-15 in org.reficio (http://repo.reficio.org/maven/)

         @ org.jboss.teiid:teiid-parent:8.12.0.Alpha3-SNAPSHOT,...pom.xml, line 376, column 23 -> [Help 2]


      Dependency Added





           <!-- same basic thing happens with <version>8.11.2</version> -->



      • I can see org.jboss.as:jboss-as-parent:pom:7.5.0.Final-redhat-15 pom file on the jboss "Product EAP 6.4.0 Alpha" repository
      • I cannot find it in the release repository.
      • When I attempt to list either of these as dependency or build the equivalent source for teiid admin tags I get a variation on that error.


      Please let me know if you have any ideas because after hunting around the jboss nexus instance I'm more confused than when I started.




        • 1. Re: Can't resolve teiid-parent maven heirarchy
          • 2. Re: Can't resolve teiid-parent maven heirarchy

            Thanks but do you know why a release might depend on items from a techpreview or earlyaccess repository?

            • 3. Re: Can't resolve teiid-parent maven heirarchy

              For example the poms for 8.11.2 depend on org.jboss:jboss-vfs:3.2.2 and only 3.2.2.Final is available.  Having my builds depend on 3rdparty dependencies that move or disappear means I can't handle patch build or reliable re-releases as the entire teiid subsystem may change from build to build even though I continue to depend on what I think of as the same version.

              • 4. Re: Can't resolve teiid-parent maven heirarchy

                > Thanks but do you know why a release might depend on items from a techpreview or earlyaccess repository

                This is to be consistent with our EAP targets.  The only public releases we can target are the alphas which leverage the earlyaccess/techpreview repositories.  However the alpha label is misleading since the artifact is based upon some (although possibly not released) community final.

                > Having my builds depend on 3rdparty dependencies that move or disappear means I can't handle patch build or reliable re-releases as the entire teiid subsystem may change from build to build even though I continue to depend on what I think of as the same version.

                Which dependencies have moved or disappeared?

                • 5. Re: Can't resolve teiid-parent maven heirarchy


                  I thought I saw links from poms in the four repos defined in teiid/settings.xml at master · teiid/teiid · GitHub  https://github.com/teiid/teiid/blob/master/settings.xml refer to items only available in the EAP alphas which didn't appear to be available in the the following and not any of the groups but I can't rep the problem. 

                  So, I guess it must have been an caused by my settings lacking one of the four necessary repositories.

                  According to sonatype, I don't have to worry about content from the 4 going missing as it will be cached forever and only deleted through manual activity.

                  So, I think I'm fine.  Still find the process a little weird that the final may depend on early release but if that's the process I'll work with it.





                  Available only within "Product: EAP 6.4.0.Alpha"








                  Available only within "Product: BPMS 6.0.3"







                  Available only within "Product: BRMS 6.1.0"






                  • 6. Re: Can't resolve teiid-parent maven heirarchy



                    As Steve explained it, the maven repo tags are more to do with our internal process, JBoss typically does not typically provide the "final" binaries of EAP in open maven repo. However, the final of the Wildfly community bits are labeled as "early access" and kept in a separate repository but the license terms are equivalent to that of any community bits. Since Teiid is community project, with aspirations to always closely follow EAP, we choose the EAP versions that are equivalent in terms of license to the community and final bits of Wildfly. Thus you see the all the confusion.


                    If you want you can use product version of Teiid, you can download from JBoss Data Virtualization - Overview which is on "final" bits of EAP, but it does have restricted license.



