3 Replies Latest reply on Aug 14, 2015 4:32 AM by carlo2904

    Installation and accessing BRMS in Domain Mode



      I've successfully deployed JBOSS EAP and BRMS in standalone mode, I'm now having issues in trying to get it working in Domain mode.


      I've looked at the guides 1.9. Installing Red Hat JBoss BRMS in the Domain Mode,and 2.9. Installing BRMS in the Domain Mode and have successfully added the "zipped" war directory and assigned




      How do I access it via the web browser? In standalone mode going to http://localhost:8080/business-central brings back the login page, in Domain mode I receive the screen below



      Are there are logs which would point to the port and url?


      Many Thanks.

        • 1. Re: Installation and accessing BRMS in Domain Mode


          In screen shot I can see you are uploading business central war file with .zip extension. can you extract same war file and generate archive using following command:

          Go to business-central.war file and execute following command:


          [abhumbe@abhumbe business-central.war]$ jar -cvf business-central.war .


          And deploy this war file to servers. You can see log files under $JBOSS_HOME/domain/servers/ServerName/log directory,

          • 2. Re: Installation and accessing BRMS in Domain Mode

            Unable to extract  "Error: Could not find or load main class jar"

            Instructions says:


            "The web application business-central.war supplied in the EAP deployable binaries in the /standalone/deployments directory is a directory, but for deployment into the domain, you have to use a WAR archive. To create it, zip the content of the business-central.war directory."

            Am I correct in that I used 7-zip to create the archive from "C:\JBoss-EAP-6.4.0\standalone\deployments\business-central.war":

            One thing I have noted, if I do this on the Windows server, it can not zip some of the class files, on a linux box it does, although I get the same message above.

            • 3. Re: Installation and accessing BRMS in Domain Mode

              Right, getting somewhere:


              I needed to "zip" the directory using jar, this allows  the war to be successfully deployed, although I still can't access it via the browser.

