3 Replies Latest reply on May 26, 2016 8:08 AM by shawkins

    Views Materialization - GC overhead limit exceeded


      I'm using Teiid 8.11.3 with Oracle translator.


      I'm materializing 5 views consecutively, each one contains around 400000 records.At the materialization of the fifth view, i'm getting GC overhead limit exceeded.


      If I materialize the fifth view alone, it passes successfully.


      My server have a 16 Gbytes memory, and i noticed that the memory is not dropping down after each materialization.


      Is there a way to configure the memory used by Teiid for not to overuse the memory available? also, can anything be done to clear the memory used after each materialization?

        • 1. Re: Views Materialization - GC overhead limit exceeded

          > My server have a 16 Gbytes memory, and i noticed that the memory is not dropping down after each materialization.


          It would be good to capture the heap dump on out of memory.  That can then be analyzed as to what is actually holding references.


          > Is there a way to configure the memory used by Teiid for not to overuse the memory available?


          That is controlled through the BufferManager configuration.  Have you made any changes there?  Or have any other significant apps running in the same container?


          > also, can anything be done to clear the memory used after each materialization?


          Not directly no.  It's not expected that you should manually need to flush any of the cache layers.

          • 2. Re: Views Materialization - GC overhead limit exceeded

            No I haven't changed in the BufferManager configuration, it is still the default one. Do you have any suggestion for changing some parameters in it?


            Also no other apps are running in the same containor.

            • 3. Re: Views Materialization - GC overhead limit exceeded

              > Do you have any suggestion for changing some parameters in it?


              No, generally the default will be conservative enough.  It's best to start with the heap dump as that can clearly show how the memory is being held.  Also details such as the jre and if the problem still occurs on later Teiid versions will help.