4 Replies Latest reply on Aug 13, 2016 1:53 PM by richardmoore

    Batch Artifacts - access list


      I would like to write a batchlet that needs a property passed that is actually a ref of one of my batch.xml batch artifacts. How can I reference these from within a batchlet?

        • 1. Re: Batch Artifacts - access list

          can you just pass it as a batch property as usual?


          then the the ref value may be duplicated in both batch.xml and job.xml, which may be a maintenance problem.  You reference the artifact by its fully qualified class name, without declaring it in batch.xml, just as one way to avoid that duplicate.


          <batchlet ref="xBatchlet">
            <property name="foo" value="bar"/>

          • 2. Re: Batch Artifacts - access list

            any batch artifact is managed by JBeret, the batch runtime container.  Applications should not directly invokes its lifecycle methods.  Even if you get hold of its class name, manage to instantiate it, the instance will be a different one from what JBeret has.

            • 3. Re: Batch Artifacts - access list

              I am creating an FTP delivery batchlet that I will give a ref of ftpDelivery, one of the properties will be sourcePostTransferAction which I want to be a ref defined in the batch.xml - moveWithRename, moveWithSameName, moveWithTargetName, and delete. This would also allow us to write any other custom action and give it a ref name. This means I would have to resolve the name in the ftpDelivery batchlet.


              <batchlet ref="fpeDelivery">


                <property name="sourcePostTransferAction" value="moveWithSameName" />

              • 4. Re: Batch Artifacts - access list

                Never mind, I will create them as a jndi name and resolve it from there.

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