4 Replies Latest reply on Sep 16, 2016 7:30 PM by masilamani

    server-connect command in VDB Builder throws an error - The controller is not available




      I have setup VDB Builder using vdbbuilder-console-0.0.4-20160405.zip version in both Mac and RHEL 6.6 VM server and it works okay with all commands but i am not able to connect to remote server using server-connect command and getting below error.



      2016-09-06 15:02:18,027 [main] INFO  org.modeshape.common.logging.LogFactory  - SLF4J implementation located in the classpath. It will be used by ModeShape for logging.

      Starting engine...


      Starting Local Repository initialization ....2016-09-06 15:02:18,233 [Modeshape Engine Thread] INFO  org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepository  - ModeShape version 4.5.0.Final

      .2016-09-06 15:02:18,620 [Modeshape Engine Thread] INFO  org.infinispan.factories.GlobalComponentRegistry  - ISPN000128: Infinispan version: Infinispan 'Insanely Bad Elf' 7.2.3.Final

      2016-09-06 15:02:18,692 [Modeshape Engine Thread] WARN  org.infinispan.transaction.lookup.GenericTransactionManagerLookup  - ISPN000104: Falling back to DummyTransactionManager from Infinispan

      2016-09-06 15:02:18,880 [Modeshape Engine Thread] INFO  org.infinispan.persistence.leveldb.LevelDBStore  - ISPN023006: Using pure Java LevelDB implementation: org.iq80.leveldb.impl.Iq80DBFactory

      ....... Started


      Sep 06, 2016 3:02:23 PM org.xnio.Xnio <clinit>

      INFO: XNIO Version 3.0.14.GA

      Sep 06, 2016 3:02:23 PM org.xnio.nio.NioXnio <clinit>

      INFO: XNIO NIO Implementation Version 3.0.14.GA

      Sep 06, 2016 3:02:23 PM org.jboss.remoting3.EndpointImpl <clinit>

      INFO: JBoss Remoting version 3.3.5.Final



      [workspace] server-connect

           Attempting to connect to 'DefaultServer' - PLEASE WAIT...

      Sep 06, 2016 3:02:45 PM org.teiid.adminapi.jboss.AdminFactory createAdmin

      INFO: TEIID70051 The controller is not available at <hostname>:9,999

           Teiid 'DefaultServer' connection status: Not Connected


      I have set the correct value for the below server properties using server-set-property command.






      Are there any other configuration need to be done to connect to remote server ?


      Thanks,  Mani

        • 1. Re: server-connect command in VDB Builder throws an error - The controller is not available

          The log message contains <hostname>:9,999


          can you verify that the hostname you entered is not NULL and the port # doesn't have a COMMA in it?

          • 2. Re: server-connect command in VDB Builder throws an error - The controller is not available

            Hi Barry,


            Yes.  The host name has value and also port# does not any comma as shown below so i am not sure why error message shows comma.


                server-set-property     server-show-properties 


                [workspace] server-show-properties

                 Properties for TeiidImpl '/environment/servers/DefaultServer':


                 NAME                          VALUE                         DEFAULT                      

                 -------------------------     -------------------------     -------------------------    

                 adminPort                     9999                          9999                   


            Note that server is up and running and we are able to connect to server using all these tools but not using VDB builder.


            - Management Console

            - Squirrel SQL client

            - Teiid designer

            - Groovy scripts for External Materialization


            Thanks, Mani

            • 3. Re: server-connect command in VDB Builder throws an error - The controller is not available

              The version you are testing was from April.  We've built and pushed a newer version which we think has a fix for your issue that was applied on another dev branch of GIT.


              Visit our Komodo page for download link and updated instructions.

              - komodo/documentation/cli at master · Teiid-Designer/komodo · GitHub

              • 4. Re: server-connect command in VDB Builder throws an error - The controller is not available



                Is VDB Builder required any specific version of Teiid version server ?  I have installed it using latest VDB Builder version vdbbuilder-0.0.4-20160908.zip but still it is not connecting to remote server which has Teiid server version teiid-8.7.3.    Then, I tried with teiid-8.12.4 version that i installed as part of the Data Services Builder and am able connect using VDB Builder as shown below.


                show-status   show-summary

                [workspace] show-status

                     Current Repository Name : komodoLocalWorkspace

                     Current Repository Url  : jar:file:/C:/vdbbuilder-0.0.4/vdbbuilder/komodo-c


                     Current Context : [/workspace]

                     Server : [mm://localhost:9999] : [Connected]



                Thanks,  Mani