4 Replies Latest reply on Mar 29, 2017 11:03 AM by jrod2016

    Oracle Connector: LISTAGG function


      Consider the following SQL directly against Oracle:

      SELECT LISTAGG(last_name, '; ')
        WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY hire_date, last_name) "Emp_list",
        MIN(hire_date) "Earliest"
        FROM employees
        WHERE department_id = 30;


      When running the same SQL, through the Teiid Oracle JDBC Connector, I get the following error:


       [Code: 0, SQL State: 50000]  Remote org.teiid.api.exception.query.QueryParserException: TEIID31100 Parsing error: Encountered ", '; ') [*]WITHIN[*] GROUP (" at line 2, column 10.
      Was expecting: <EOF> | "and" | "as" | "between" | "except" | "fetch" | "filter" | "from" | "in" | "intersect" ...


      Seems the issue is with


      Is there some alternate syntax/pushdown function declaration required to get this to work?