1. Re: ERROR: Error in parsing of sql - null
rareddy Oct 26, 2017 10:00 AM (in response to uuliver)Post the whole exception.
3. Re: ERROR: Error in parsing of sql - null
rareddy Oct 27, 2017 10:38 AM (in response to uuliver)In Designer, in the bottom you will see a panel for "error messages" or "Problems" in there you will see the log messages and their stack trace along with why and where the error is occurring, that is what I need to further analyze above problem. Just posting same in bold does not help anymore unfortunately
4. Re: ERROR: Error in parsing of sql - null
shiloh.jordan Oct 27, 2017 4:34 PM (in response to uuliver)I noticed that when I copy and paste my SQL into Notepad++, I get this error.
I will copy and paste into "Notepad" and the error will resolve.
5. Re: ERROR: Error in parsing of sql - null
rareddy Oct 27, 2017 5:13 PM (in response to shiloh.jordan)I remember this error from before, it seems like when you cut and paste there are some invisible control characters get copied thus the issue. May one of tooling team members ( blafond ) can explain exactly what is going on and if there are any issues logged on this.
6. Re: ERROR: Error in parsing of sql - null
shiloh.jordan Oct 27, 2017 5:16 PM (in response to rareddy)Yes, I agree with you Ramesh. If I copy and paste my SQL into Notepad, it removes all invisible control characters. I then copy from Notepad and paste into my Transformation Editor, and issue will resolve.
7. Re: ERROR: Error in parsing of sql - null
blafond Oct 31, 2017 12:10 PM (in response to shiloh.jordan)That issue has been logged and is a known issue. Have spent time trying to isolate and fix, however, Eclipse SWT UI layer is difficult to interpret as it supports multiple OS's and Windows seems to always have the most complex/custom behavior.
[TEIIDDES-2868] texttable parsing error - JBoss Issue Tracker
[TEIIDDES-2782] Copy paste sql to the transformation editor is not parsable - JBoss Issue Tracker
8. Re: ERROR: Error in parsing of sql - null
uuliver Nov 1, 2017 9:45 PM (in response to blafond)It Worked. Thank you for all help