1. Re: ItemProcessor skip record
cfang Feb 15, 2018 9:18 AM (in response to richardmoore)No, since item processor works after item reader. However, such an exception from item processor will trigger SkipProcessListener.
If your purpose is for better code organization, you can move the error-recording to a separate class that can be shared between reading, processing & writing parts. That class can be a singleton, or bean class with appropriate CDI scope (e.g., StepScoped) to ensure the same bean instance is used by all parties.
2. Re: ItemProcessor skip record
richardmoore Feb 15, 2018 9:20 AM (in response to cfang)Do you happen to have an example of this I could reference?
3. Re: ItemProcessor skip record
cfang Feb 15, 2018 11:16 AM (in response to richardmoore)import javax.inject.Named;
import org.jberet.cdi.StepScoped;
public class ErrorRecordingBean {
FileWriter fw = ...
public void addErrorRecord(String error) {...}
public void writeErrorRecord(String error) {...}
In your read listener or item process listener, inject the above ErrorRecordingBean:
private ErrorRecordingBean errorRecorder;
With StepScoped, If your step is partitioned, then multiple partitions of the same step will share the same bean instance, and this bean class should be implemented in a thread-safe manner. Even more so with Singleton scope, where all producers of error records will share the same instance.
This is based on CDI, so make sure your batch artifact ref in job .xml is declared with cdi bean name (not the fully qualified class name).