7 Replies Latest reply on Feb 27, 2018 5:13 PM by shawkins

    xmltable/xmlparse of standalone.xml


      Everyone.. I'm having difficulty parsing the standalone.xml file


      I need to pull portions of info from the standalone.xml file.  For now, I'm simply wanting to pull the information from the datasources section.

      Any input would be most appreciated.


      select x.* from (SELECT to_chars(a.file, 'UTF-8') AS File

      FROM (EXEC SystemFileReader.getFiles('./standalone/configuration/standalone.xml')) AS a,

      XMLTABLE('/datasources' PASSING XMLPARSE(DOCUMENT a.File) columns JNDI_Name string PATH '@name')) as x

        • 1. Re: xmltable/xmlparse of standalone.xml

          > I'm having difficulty parsing the standalone.xml file


          What difficulty are you having?


          From what you have above, you'll at least need a full path to the datasource elements ('/server/profile/subsystem/datasources/datasource'), or you can just use '//datasource' and use the PATH 'jndi-name'



          • 2. Re: xmltable/xmlparse of standalone.xml

            select x.* from (SELECT to_chars(a.file, 'UTF-8') AS File

            FROM (EXEC SystemFileReader.getFiles('./standalone/configuration/standalone.xml')) AS a,

            XMLTABLE('//datasource' PASSING XMLPARSE(DOCUMENT a.File) columns JNDI_Name string PATH 'jndi-name')) as x


            Results in:


            Error: Remote org.teiid.api.exception.query.QueryParserException: TEIID31100 Parsing error: Encountered "PATH 'jndi-name')[*])[*] as x" at line 3, column 101.

            Was expecting: "as" | id

            SQLState:  50000

            ErrorCode: 0


            Which is the same error as before notwithstanding the change to PATH etc.

            • 3. Re: xmltable/xmlparse of standalone.xml

              That is saying there is no alias on the XMLTABLE table function.  You probably want something that looks like:


              select x.*, to_chars(a.file, 'UTF-8') AS File

              FROM (EXEC SystemFileReader.getFiles('./standalone/configuration/standalone.xml')) AS a,

              XMLTABLE('//datasource' PASSING XMLPARSE(DOCUMENT a.File) columns JNDI_Name string PATH 'jndi-name') as x

              • 4. Re: xmltable/xmlparse of standalone.xml

                Well, that did take care of the error, however, no data is returned..

                • 5. Re: xmltable/xmlparse of standalone.xml

                  Make sure you are actually getting the standalone.xml, and change the PATH to '@jndi-name' as it's an attribute.

                  • 6. Re: xmltable/xmlparse of standalone.xml

                    I've done both...


                    For example:





                    to_chars(a.file, 'UTF-8') AS File


                    (EXEC SystemFileReader.getFiles('./standalone/configuration/standalone.xml')) AS a


                    Does return the contents of the file.


                    However, still no data returns with:


                    select x.*, to_chars(a.file, 'UTF-8') AS File

                    FROM (EXEC SystemFileReader.getFiles('./standalone/configuration/standalone.xml')) AS a,

                    XMLTABLE('/server/profile/subsystem/datasources/datasource' PASSING XMLPARSE(DOCUMENT a.File) columns JNDI_Name string PATH '@jndi-name') as x

                    • 7. Re: xmltable/xmlparse of standalone.xml

                      One more nuance.  The xmlns attribute is causing the names to be namespaced.  The simplest thing to do is use a wildcard:


                      select x.*, to_chars(a.file, 'UTF-8') AS File

                      FROM (EXEC SystemFileReader.getFiles('./standalone/configuration/standalone.xml')) AS a,

                      XMLTABLE('/*:server/*:profile/*:subsystem/*:datasources/*:datasource' PASSING XMLPARSE(DOCUMENT a.File) columns JNDI_Name string PATH '@jndi-name') as x