8 Replies Latest reply on Mar 5, 2018 9:08 AM by rareddy

    Unable to get result on querying piavg or pitotal or pimax views of Pi server via Teiid



      Empty result set while querying data with this query via VDB,


      SELECT pi."Time",

      pi."value", pi.tag

      from "PiArchive"."piavg" pi

      where pi.timeStep = '1d' AND pi.tag= 'CDT158' and pi."time" > '2018-02-22 19:59:36.0'


      Things established or working,

      1. Have a VDB, which has a view model which connects to PI server via PIJDBC driver connector.

      2. Connection to Pi server is happening fine, no issues here.

      3. Querying to PiArchive.picomp or PiArchive.picomp2 returns data.

      SELECT pi."Time",

      pi."value", pi.tag

      from "PiArchive"."PiComp2" pi

      where pi.tag= 'CDT158' and pi."time" > '2018-02-22 19:59:36.0'

      4. Same queries runs connecting to the PIJDBC driver directly and also via PIOLEDB tester.


      None of the aggregate view in Piserver returns data, piavg or pitotal or pimax etc.


      Any pointers or help?