1 Reply Latest reply on May 31, 2018 10:00 PM by cfang

    JBeret 1.3.0.Final Release


      I'm excited to announce that JBeret 1.3.0.Final has just released!  It's another important release resulting from the hard work of JBeret team and invaluable contribution from JBeret user and developer community.  Some highlights of this release:


      • support for distributed batch job execution and remote partition execution in application server cluster
      • support for job scheduling
      • REST API for managing batch job lifecycles
      • integration with Vertx
      • integration with Apache Camel
      • expanded list of reusable batch artifact components for common batch processing needs


      JBeret docs site has also been updated.  For more details, please see Release Notes.


      We hope this new release can help you develop better Java batch processing applications more easily.  Please give it a try and your feedback is very welcome as always.