1. Re: VDB Versioning misunderstanding?
shawkins May 25, 2018 9:17 AM (in response to lukyer)> How can I get working multiple (even older) versions of the same VDB in parallel?
More than likely you are hitting an issue with the deployment names, such that the second deployment is overriding the first. You need unique deployment names to have multiple versions of the same vdb on the server. That is why we also support specifying the version by convention as part of the deployment name.
2. Re: VDB Versioning misunderstanding?
rareddy May 25, 2018 9:18 AM (in response to lukyer)Read on VDB versions at [1] and then you can set the connection type as VDB property as shown in [2]. If you want to be able to connect to both vdbs, then keep both vdbs deployed.
3. Re: VDB Versioning misunderstanding?
lukyer May 28, 2018 7:14 AM (in response to lukyer)Thanks Steven,
I was deploying all VDBs with the same names, different versions but, as you said, same deployment name (my-vdb.xml). To get versioning working you have to use unique deployment name, vdb name can remain the same.
I think it is an important fact you should include in docs. Please add it for better versioning understanding. -
4. Re: VDB Versioning misunderstanding?
rareddy May 29, 2018 9:03 AM (in response to lukyer)Can you log a JIRA to keep track of this? Thanks.