1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 15, 2018 9:56 AM by rareddy

    Translator override breaks Teiid process


      When trying to override a Teiid translator to enable comments in SQL to go down to the source query (e.g. /*important info*/ SELECT 1 should show up in the source) it breaks the Teiid environment and throws an error saying "TEIID40046 VDB Name version 'latest' does not exist". We are not using dynamic VDBs so we don't have access to the XML. We are overriding the UseCommentsInSourceQuery property of the impala translator and setting it to true. Since it is related to the CommentFormat property we are also overriding that to "/{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}/".


      Would the translator itself be at fault for breaking the system or is there something deeper in our config that doesn't like overrides?

        • 1. Re: Translator override breaks Teiid process

          The error is saying the VDB is not deployed or deployed but not active. Maybe provide with the log file that describes the error, as there is not much here to diagnose. Also you can open the vdb (it is zip file) and see the contents of vdb.xml which will have the override information, post that if possible.

