1. Re: Unable to set value for YEAR datatype in MySQL.
shawkins Nov 19, 2018 9:21 AM (in response to rujutas)> When I try to string in the year field it gives me the following error
The JDBC driver is reporting a jdbc type of Date - which Teiid then expects to be a full date. Our literal handling is very strict to ensure as much source compatibility as possible.
> So I tried to insert an object of java.sql.date with the date 2018-05-05. This time I got the following error
Teiid is passing the value down to MySQL, but MySQL probably does not like that it contains non-default day/month values. Can you try using 2018-01-01?
If that still doesn't work that means that we need to look at a different mapping/handling of the mysql year type.
2. Re: Unable to set value for YEAR datatype in MySQL.
rujutas Nov 21, 2018 5:26 AM (in response to shawkins)Hi,
I tried using 2018-01-01. But the issue still exists. -
3. Re: Unable to set value for YEAR datatype in MySQL.
shawkins Nov 26, 2018 9:17 AM (in response to rujutas)It appears that mariadb will truncate automatically with just a warning, but you are seeing a hard error with mysql.
Can you log an issue for this?