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      • 15. Re: Teiid 11.2.0 / Wildfly 11.2 with SAPUI5 / OPENUI5 communication problem

        Currently, that is not configurable. You can add a JIRA issue, we can add that, however it will be only the case when "accepts" header and  $format is missing.  However, it really is driven by "accepts" header sent by the client. If OpenUI5 is not sending any header it does default to JSON. So, you need to figure out what is OpenUI5 is sending.

        • 16. Re: Teiid 11.2.0 / Wildfly 11.2 with SAPUI5 / OPENUI5 communication problem

          Hello Ramesh,

          thanks for the hint. I will look into this and see if I need this change. In the meantime I got some feedback in a different forum, were I in parallel asked the SAP guys for some help. Their feedback was, that there is an "Term" attribute on an annotation missing in my metadata.xml. As I generate it with Teiid Designer, it sounds as I hit a bug here. I am now not sure how I could work around this issue, except not using the comment fields on my data models. This would be quite suboptimal.  The relevant value derives from a comment in the database which is imported as a comment value of the source model with Teiid Designer. The text for which an annotation attribute seems to be missing comes from a comment on an attribute in my mysql table. It would be great if you could have a look into the issue and give me a hint on how I could fix this in the vdb. Maybe there is a configuration option to exclude the comments from vdb generation? I have not found any advanced config options for the vdb generation yet. As I am not sure if the mentioned topic is a real bug, I do not want to fill an issue in the bug tracker yet. Could you please have a look into it?



          sap.ui.model.odata.v4.ODataModel cannot be used with a standard odata4 service without CSRF token support · Issue #2288 …



          One further comment: I removed the comment field from the source model and now OpenUI5 can read the model!


          One further questions stays open. OpenUI5 supports batch processing, hence it sends multiple odata requests as a single multipart/mixed message. Currently I am getting the following error, when I activate this feature.


          An the communication of the POST message looks as follows


            1. Request URL: http://localhost:9001/odata4/svc/my_nutri_diary/$batch
            2. Request Method: POST
            3. Status Code: 406 Not Acceptable
            4. Remote Address: [::1]:9001
            5. Referrer Policy: no-referrer-when-downgrade
          1. Response Headersview source
            1. access-control-allow-credentials: true
            2. access-control-allow-origin: http://localhost:9001
            3. cache-control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
            4. connection: close
            5. content-length: 124
            6. content-type: application/json;odata.metadata=minimal
            7. date: Thu, 15 Nov 2018 19:48:50 GMT
            8. expires: 0
            9. odata-version: 4.0
            10. pragma: no-cache
            11. server: WildFly/9
            12. x-powered-by: Undertow/1
          2. Request Headersview source
            1. Accept: multipart/mixed
            2. Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
            3. Accept-Language: de
            4. Authorization: Basic SU1TVXNlcjpJTVM0Zm9ydW0l
            5. Connection: keep-alive
            6. Content-Length: 346
            7. Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=batch_id-1542311330723-11
            8. Cookie: sidebar_collapsed=false; cycle_analytics_help_dismissed=1; __utmz=111872281.1539128843.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); __utma=111872281.767670437.1539128843.1541866362.1541870562.42
            9. DNT: 1
            10. Host: localhost:9001
            11. MIME-Version: 1.0
            12. OData-MaxVersion: 4.0
            13. OData-Version: 4.0
            14. Origin: http://localhost:9001
            15. Referer: http://localhost:9001/index2.html
            16. User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/604.1.38 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.0 Mobile/15A372 Safari/604.1
            17. X-CSRF-Token: Fetch
            18. X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
          3. Request Payload
            1. --batch_id-1542311330723-11 Content-Type:application/http Content-Transfer-Encoding:binary GET Account?$select=uuidUser&$skip=0&$top=100 HTTP/1.1 Accept:application/json;odata.metadata=minimal;IEEE754Compatible=true Accept-Language:de Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8;IEEE754Compatible=true --batch_id-1542311330723-11--


          So now I am  wondering, if these kinds of multipart mixed messages, only need to be enabled with a configuration option in wildfly, maybe adding a response header, or if there is functionality missing in Wildfly to allow for this kind of batch processing? Would be great if this feature could be made possible in Wildfly, as this is one of the most smart features of OpenUI5. Wildfly than would be a great alternative and actually the only one I came over so far which would deliver a real alternative to the SAP Netweaver Gateway.

          • 17. Re: Teiid 11.2.0 / Wildfly 11.2 with SAPUI5 / OPENUI5 communication problem

            Regarding your comment on the format option. OpenUI5 sends






            in its request. So according to your comment this means JSON format will be sent. Did I understand this right? In this case, this would be the option with the least traffic involved and from that point of view would be ideal. Hence, I would not fill a feature request for this issue.

            • 18. Re: Teiid 11.2.0 / Wildfly 11.2 with SAPUI5 / OPENUI5 communication problem

              * means any, but we can make it default to JSON. Log a ticket in JIRA for this.

              • 19. Re: Teiid 11.2.0 / Wildfly 11.2 with SAPUI5 / OPENUI5 communication problem

                Hello Ramesh,

                feature request was added as [TEIID-5543] Configuration Option for default OData format - JBoss Issue Tracker


                I have also opened a bug regarding the erroneous annotation in the vdb

                [TEIIDDES-3218] Comments in source model lead to vdb with erroneous annotation (Term attribute is missing) - JBoss Issue…


                Have you any ideas on the batch request topic I mentioned above? If this feature is not configurable and not implemented yet, it would be a much more interesting thing to have, as this would make a significant performance difference. In case it does not exist yet, would this be something you could add?

                • 20. Re: Teiid 11.2.0 / Wildfly 11.2 with SAPUI5 / OPENUI5 communication problem

                  > Have you any ideas on the batch request topic I mentioned above? If this feature is not configurable and not implemented yet, it would be a much more interesting thing to have, as this would make a significant performance difference. In case it does not exist yet, would this be something you could add?


                  Batch is supported by Teiid.  Olingo (our OData framework) does not support the Request Header having Accept: multipart/mixed.  From the previous comment the detailed error is:


                  The combination of type and subtype multipart/mixed != [application/json;odata.metadata=minimal, application/json;odata.metadata=none, application/json, application/json;odata.metadata=full, application/atom+xml, application/xml]


                  If you have the ability, simply remove the Accept header from the request shown above and resubmit.  You should get a response.

                  • 21. Re: Teiid 11.2.0 / Wildfly 11.2 with SAPUI5 / OPENUI5 communication problem



                    Can you  add another JIRA for batch stuff  I will investigate



                    • 22. Re: Teiid 11.2.0 / Wildfly 11.2 with SAPUI5 / OPENUI5 communication problem

                      Hello Ramesh,

                      thanks a lot for your support. Without it I would be totally lost !


                      I added the issue regarding batch processing as


                      [TEIID-5545] Odata V4 Batch processing does not work as teiid/olingo rejects "Accept: multipart/mixed" request header - …

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