1 Reply Latest reply on May 21, 2019 12:42 PM by shawkins

    Connecting CloudSQL via Teiid in SSL mode




      I am trying to connect to cloudSQL instance via teiid in SSL mode. Google is providing me three files for connection ,
      1.     client-cert.pem( client certificate file)

      2.    client-key.pem (client private key)

      3.     server-ca.pem( ca certificate from server)


      I need to configure this in jdbc transports in teiid. In standalone-teiid.xml , the configuration used by me is this.


      <ssl mode="enabled">

                          <keystore name="<Path to keystore>" key-password="changeit"/>

                          <truststore name="<Path to truststore>" password="changeit"/>



      Please suggest me correct configuration for ssl connection. In unsecured mode it is able to connect, but not in ssl mode.


      Thanks in advance!