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Recently I was joined one interesting discussion with my colleagues "What's details for "new" operations of Java? Putting "new" inside or outside synchronized block?". I surprisingly found nobody could telling correctly about that. So here I listed the possible semantics about "new".

A a = new A();

1. Loading class definition of Class "A"

    * Using class loader of current thread trying to load class "A"

    * Reading the class information into memory (it was "Native Memory" or "VM heap" ? - My answer will be both)

    * Transforming the class information to runtime JIT codes let JVM could executing them.

2. Calculate the initial memory consumption for the instance of class "A"

    * Calculation contains:

      ** Static Variables

      ** None-static Variables

      note: Please remember the differences between reference and object. Otherwise you cannot understanding the concept.

3. Analysis the hiercharies of Class "A". Then loop the step 4, 5, 6 until all the class of hiercharies were touched:

4. Use the size be calculated by previous step and use system level "C" function "malloc" allocate the memeory of OS.

    * Malloc is not thread safe except several flag need to be set

    * Malloc implementation is OS depend.

    note: Sun already cover those issues. 99% is thread safe.

5. Create the reference in the stack, and make the reference point to the Object.

6. Calling the object constructor method and do initialization

    * Static initialization

    * None-static initialization

    * Constructor body

    note: any of above path could be none-thread safe victim.

So here the answer for "new" is thread safe or not is uncentainty or Dependes class/object instantiation need to be thread-safe.


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Then the strategy for putting "new" operator inside or outside synchronized block will be:

* Always putting the "new" operator inside the synchronized block except when

* Only if you understand or design class completely and already make sure the whole path is thread safe, you can put the "new" operator outside synchronized block.





" reversion 1.54

move value allocation outside the lock scope."

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