We have some interesting things going on in CVS that will be in the RC2 release later this month. Let's take a look



Kabir Khan is doing some great work. Recently he added the ability to configure Aspects and Interceptors like Java Beans. (In the past Aspects/Interceptor classes or their factories had to implement XmlLoadable and parse XML themselves) Here's a simple example:


   <aspect class="SomeAspect" scope="PER_INSTANCE">

      <attribute name="IntegerAttribute">5555</attribute>

      <attribute name="StringArray">aspect,per,class</attribute>


      <advisor-attribute name="MyAdvisor"/>

      <instance-advisor-attribute name="MyInstanceAdvisor"/>

      <joinpoint-attribute name="MyJoinpoint"/>  


The advisor-attribute, instance-advisor-attribute, and joinpoint-attribute allow you to inject the JBoss AOP manager classes so that the aspect can obtain additional information about the objects/joinpoints it is intercepting.

We have also refactored interceptor and aspect configuration so that you can plug in your own factories to delegate to insert-your-favorite-IOC-framework-here.



Annotation configuration model

We're also providing an annotation alternative to XML. You can declare your pointcuts, bindings, introductions, etc... within an annotated Java class.



public class MyAspect {


   @PointcutDef("call(public * Foo->*(..))")

   public static Pointcut fooPublicMethods;


   @Bind(pointcut="MyAspect.fooPublicMethod OR get(* Foo->*)")

   public Object myAdvice(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable {

     ... advice implementation ...



Annotated aspect configuration can also be done with JDK 1.4 and our Annotation Compiler.


/** @@org.jboss.aop.Aspect(scope=org.jboss.aop.advice.Scope.PER_VM) */

public class MyAspect {


   /** @@org.jboss.aop.PointcutDef("call(public * Foo->*(..))") */

   public static Pointcut fooPublicMethods;


   /** @@org.jboss.aop.Bind(pointcut="MyAspect.fooPublicMethod OR get(* Foo->*)") */

   public Object myAdvice(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable {

     ... advice implementation ...



@Aspect, @PointcutDef, and @Bind are already supported in CVS. We'll be adding support for the rest for the scheduled RC2 release later this month.

