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In June 2014 the book Practical Java EE 7 Development has been published. The book, as the name suggests, is a practical guide covering all aspects of Java EE 7 Development with special focus on the new API and the upgrade of the existing ones.


Table of Contents:


Chapter 1, Getting started with WildFly covers the installation of the server platform and introduces the Java EE 7 platform most significant changes. You will learn as well how to install the tools required for developing applications

Chapter 2, Getting ready for development discusses the basic steps for configuring the foundation of your Maven projects using the available WildFly archetypes.

Chapter 3, Programming Servlet is a first access to application development using the long-lived Servlet API. The chapter spans from the basics to the new Java EE 7 non-blocking I/O feature.

Chapter 4, Developing Enterprise Java Beans, is about developing applications using the available EJB types, thus including the basic Stateless and Stateful beans, and the other variants (EJB Timers and Singleton EJB).

Chapter 5, Context Dependency Injection discusses about the CDI API starting from the basics and then diving into more advanced concepts like Interceptors, Decorators, Alternatives, Events and the new Transactional option.

Chapter 6, Java Server Faces covers the Java Server Faces API with particular focus on building applications using Facelets, shaping navigation between JSF views and the new exciting features of Java Server Faces 2.2

Chapter 7, Learning the Java Persistence API after a quick introduction to Java Persistence API, describes how to set up a proof of concept project, how to spice it up using JPA 2.1 new features. Finally, this chapter describes some advanced development strategies such as Caching data and Listeners.

Chapter 8, Testing applications using Arquillian is a deep dive into the application server integration testing framework. You will learn how to test our application across several different contexts, including a managed environment, a remote environment and an OpenShift cloud-hosted environment.

Chapter 9, Developing applications with WebSockets teaches you how to leverage a full client-server WebSockets application including advanced examples using Encoders/Decoders and Asynchronous communication.

Chapter 10, Developing SOAP based Web services discusses about creating, deploying, and testing web services using the JBoss JAX-WS implementation (Apache CXF) and avanced features such as JAX-WS Handlers.

Chapter 11, Developing RESTful Web services covers concrete examples of REST Web services including the new JAX-RS client API and some advanced topics such as Interceptors and Filters.

Chapter 12, Developing applications with JMS introduces the basics of the messaging service, showing off how to use the new JMS 2.0 API to code producers and consumers and how to create remote WildFly JMS clients.

Chapter 13, JSON Processing discusses, after a quick introduction to JSON Structure, some practical aspects of JSON such as creating and parsing JSON models using the Object Model API and the JSON Streaming API.

Chapter 14, Batch Processing covers Batch jobs and its specification language as specified by JSR-352. In this chapter, you will learn the two core components of batch jobs: Chunks and Batchlets and some advanced concepts such as Flows and Decision flows.

Chapter 15, Java EE Concurrency introduces the Java EE Concurrency API (JSR 236) which outlines a standard way for executing more tasks in parallel on a Java EE Container using a set of Managed resources.

Chapter 16, Securing WildFly applications gets you quickly to know WildFly security subsystem, showing how to set up login modules to Web applications and EJB applications and how to use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to encrypt their communication.

The book code examples are freely available on Git Hub at: fmarchioni/practical-javaee7-development-wildfly · GitHub


Feel free to clone, suggest changes or hints. Any valuable change request, idea or suggestion will be included in the book. As for the WildFly 8 Administration guide, regular updates of the eBook will be provided by email every 4-6 months.

This book is a kind of experiment. In the past I've written several books about JBoss stuff and I was really glad that many people appreciated my works which are accurately measured in terms of P2P sharings (:-) ). On the other hand I sometimes was disappointed that all this hard work would vanish in a little as one year or so and replaced by a new title destined to the same fate. I guess also readers were somewhat disappointed too.

So here we go, I've committed a couple of mates (a graphical guy, a reviewer and some top-level reviewers) and we're aiming for something new. A book that gets written as the product is coded. Actually the first draft of the WildFly book was ready when the very first Alpha of the application server was out and, after continuous updates, it has reached the CR1 compliancy which should be the definitive shape of the application server. Yet the book is going to be updated as soon as the Final version of WildFly is out. Today the shape of information is only conceived as instant access to the most updated information so I can only imagine the same future for IT Books. Altough we will somewhat miss the gentle rustling of cellulose through our hands, information cannot be set in stone, nor in paper.


Thanks for allowing me this short introuduction and enjoy the WildFly Administration eBook.


Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Installation

What is new in WildFly 8?

Installing WildFly

A look into the application server file system

Starting WildFly

Your first task: create an user to manage WildFly

Stopping Wildfly

Installing WildFly as Service


Chapter 2 Core Server configuration

The two available server modes

Understanding the server configuration file

Configuring WildFly in Standalone mode

Configuring WildFly in Domain mode

Choosing between standalone mode and domain mode

Managing the WildFly domain


Chapter 3 Deploying applications

File system deployment

Deploying using the Web interface

Deploying the application using the CLI

Deploying applications using Maven


Chapter 4 Configuring DataBase connectivity

Configuring a Datasource using the Administration console

Creating a Datasource using the Command Line Interface

Configure the XA Datasource

Configuring a Datasource as a deployable resource

Advanced Datasource configuration


Chapter 5 Configuring Webserver & EJB Container

Entering Undertow Web server

Configuring the Undertow server Pool

Configuring the Undertow IO Buffer Pool

Configuring the EJB container


Chapter 6 Configure Logging

WildFly default logging configuration

Configuring Log Handlers

Filtering Logs

Configuring the Root Logger

Configuring Logging Categories

Other Logging configuration files


Chapter 7 Configuring JMS Services

HornetQ building blocks

Configuring JMS Connections

Creating JMS Destinations

Configuring Message Persistence

Routing Messages to other destinations

JMS Clustering

Advanced JMS Clustering with data replication


Chapter 8 Classloading and modules

What are modules ?

Patching the application server modules

Configuring static modules

Configuring dynamic modules

Configuring module Dependencies

Advanced Classloading policies


Chapter 9 WildFly clustering

WildFly clustering building blocks

Clustering standalone nodes

Configuring a cluster of domain nodes

Configuring the cluster transport

Configuring clustering caches

Changes in clustering from an AS7 perspective

Managing the Cache Storage: File Store and JDBC Cache store


Chapter 10 LoadBalancing applications

Configuring Apache mod_jk

Configuring mod_cluster

Advanced mod_cluster configuration

Configuring HA for remote EJB clients


Chapter 11 Application Server Management with CLI

Starting the Command Line

Using the CLI

Construct the CLI commands

Advanced CLI features

Taking snapshots of your configuration

Running the CLI in graphical mode


Chapter 12 Securing WildFly

Introducing Security

WildFly Security Domains

Configuring Role Based Access Control

Configuring HTTPS using the Undertow subsystem

The performance tuning book is ready to be printed! As a first taste of the new application server, you can read this chapter which deals about performance tuning in the new application server. Enjoy it !

JBoss AS 7 Performance tuning

Developing Web services is outrageously simple on AS 7 !

Check here for a short tutorial.

Have fun !

Added a tutorial which shows how to create Google Web Toolkit applications (GWT) using Eclipse and how to deploy them on JBoss AS. In the second part of it, I'm showing how to interact with application server serices like RESTful Web services.

JBoss and GWT tutorial

Enjoy it !

If you are looking for one more reason to love JBoss AS 7, I'll try to provide one ! I'm really excited to announce the new AS 7 book which is half way from being completed and is due to be out Dec 2011/Jan 2012.

It will cover all the administration aspects mentioned in the title  showing, at the same time, the evolution path from earlier releases. It includes numerous explanations, tips and practical examples that the reader can try on their own and learn while doing so.


Here's the Book outline (subjected to some minor changes!):


Chapter 1 - Understanding the new AS infrastructure. Basic server administration.

Chapter 2 - Configuring the core AS 7 services 

Chapter 3 - Configuring the Java EE subsystems.

Chapter 4 - Configuring an domain of AS servers, showing the differences, the pros and contros against a standalone installation.

Chapter 5 - How to deploy applications on the AS, using all the available tools/instruments.

Chapter 6 - How to manage the application server using the Admin Console and the new Command Line Interface.

Chapter 7 - How to configure and run a cluster of application server nodes. How to provide High Availability to your applications.

Chapter 8 - How to secure the application server and the applications running on it.

Chapter 9 - Using JBoss AS 7 in a cloud environment.

Chapter 10 - Rolling up the application server in production !


I'm really thankful to the awesome JBoss developers who provided an insight on more than one topic and contributed to the pursuit of the project!


More information will be available on PacktPub site or on my site, as the publishing date approaches.

After 6 months of hard work the book "JBoss 5 performance tuning" is now published by Packt Publishing!

Containing over 100 benchmarks, this book is an in-depth analysis of all components which are around a Java Enterprise application, including the application server itself, the JVM, the database, the Operating System and finally the hardware.


The book discusses about many hot topics about performance which are usually misunderstood or simply based on false assumptions. "How to find a memory leak in a matter of minutes ?How do Stateful Session Bean compare with Stateless Session Beans in terms of performance ? What is the fastest way to log on your application ? How to reduce the cost of cluster replication ? When it's worth to use the second level cache and when not ? What is the most efficient way to connect Apache and JBoss ? What is the cost of adding Richfaces to your application ?"

These are some of the questions that will be answered in this book.


The exact book title is "JBoss 5 performance tuning", however the book includes all major upgrades from the platform 6 (like HornetQ and mod_cluster performance) which is going to be released when this book has been published.

You can read more about it in packt pub site or in my own JBoss site.

Last week I had some time to have a look at new JBPM 5 features. It's visible a change of direction: from what I can see, it seems that Drool business rules and BPMN 2.0 will be the new paradigms for writing business processes. I have added an introduction to BPMN from what I have understood: You can read it here: BPMN tutorial

Feedbacks, as usual, are highly welcome!

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