Configuring permissions using Elytron in WildFly 13
Posted by fjuma in Farah Juma's Blog on Jun 1, 2018 3:08:02 PMWith WildFly 13, there’s a new way to configure permissions in the Elytron subsystem. In particular, it is now possible to configure permissions using a new permission-set resource.
Configuring permission sets
Adding a permission-set takes the following general form:
/subsystem=elytron/permission-set=MyPermissionSetName:add(permissions=[{class-name="...", module="...", target-name="...", action="..."}...])
In the above command, permissions consists of a set of permissions, where each permission can have the following attributes:
- class-name - the fully qualified class name of the permission (this is the only permission attribute that is required)
- module - the optional module to use to load the permission
- target-name - the optional target name to pass to the permission as it is constructed
- action - the optional action to pass to the permission as it is constructed
After a permission-set has been created, it can be referenced when creating a permission mapper in order to assign permissions to an identity.
Example configuration
As an example, the following command can be used to add a new permission-set that contains the
/subsystem=elytron/permission-set=run-as-principal-permission:add(permissions=[{class-name="", target-name="*"}])
This results in the following configuration in the Elytron subsystem (note that the login-permission and default-permissions permission sets are already present in the default Elytron subsystem configuration):
<subsystem xmlns="urn:wildfly:elytron:3.0" final-providers="combined-providers" disallowed-providers="OracleUcrypto"> ... <permission-sets> <permission-set name="login-permission"> <permission class-name=""/> </permission-set> <permission-set name="default-permissions"> <permission class-name="org.wildfly.extension.batch.jberet.deployment.BatchPermission" module="org.wildfly.extension.batch.jberet" target-name="*"/> <permission class-name="org.wildfly.transaction.client.RemoteTransactionPermission" module="org.wildfly.transaction.client"/> <permission class-name="org.jboss.ejb.client.RemoteEJBPermission" module="org.jboss.ejb-client"/> </permission-set> <permission-set name="run-as-principal-permission"> <permission class-name="" target-name="*"/> </permission-set> </permission-sets> ... </subsystem>
Next, create a simple permission mapper that references the newly created run-as-principal-permission permission set:
/subsystem=elytron/simple-permission-mapper=my-simple-permission-mapper:add(permission-mappings=[{principals=["anonymous"]}, \ {principals=["server1"], permission-sets=[{permission-set=login-permission}, {permission-set=default-permissions}, {permission-set=run-as-principal-permission}]}, \ {match-all=true,permission-sets=[{permission-set=login-permission}, {permission-set=default-permissions}]}])
This results in the following configuration in the Elytron subsystem:
<subsystem xmlns="urn:wildfly:elytron:3.0" final-providers="combined-providers" disallowed-providers="OracleUcrypto"> ... <mappers> ... <simple-permission-mapper name="my-simple-permission-mapper"> <permission-mapping> <principal name="anonymous"/> </permission-mapping> <permission-mapping> <principal name="server1"/> <permission-set name="login-permission"/> <permission-set name="default-permissions"/> <permission-set name="run-as-principal-permission"/> </permission-mapping> <permission-mapping match-all="true"> <permission-set name="login-permission"/> <permission-set name="default-permissions"/> </permission-mapping> </simple-permission-mapper> ... </mappers> ... </subsystem>
The above command creates a simple permission mapper that:
- Assigns no permissions to an anonymous user
- Assigns the permissions referenced in the login-permission, default-permissions, and run-as-principal-permission permission sets to the server1 user
- Assigns the permissions referenced in the login-permission and default-permissions permission sets to all other users
This blog post has given an overview of Elytron permission sets. For more information about the Elytron subsystem, check out the Elytron documentation.