This week in JBoss, 7th June 2018 - No Rest for the Weary
Posted by rpelisse in Weekly Editorial on Jun 7, 2018 1:09:25 PMWelcome to a new edition of the JBoss Weekly Editorial. As summer comes closer on the northern hemisphere, the blue sky and sunny days do not appear to be able to hinder the community progress. No rest for the weary, ain't it? As proof, Red Hat just released Red Hat Fuse 7 - obviously built from the tremendous amount of work the Fuse community has put in the project in the last month (and releases).
We'll start this editorial by jumping directly into the a set of technical articles that have been released in the previous week. The first we would like to mention is The best way to write a Hibernate ORM issue test case . It will be of interest to anyone who would like to contribute a feature or a bug fix to the project, but also reveal an often under documented aspect a project: the testing framework.
Right after this one, let's go into something a bit more practical and take a deep look at how to Configure permissions using Elytron in WildFly 13. And, as long as we talk about our beloved app server, let's take a peak at What’s New in WildFly Management Console. Still related to Wildfly, we need to mention this interesting Introduction to Red Hat Application Migration Toolkit.
Events & Evangelist's Corner
As always, our own Eric D. Schabell has been active last week and has just released the slides of his talk at Shift Developer Conference 2018 on How to Jump Start a Career in Open Source. He was also in Scotland, just yesterday, to give a talk on Application Modernization and Migration Tech Talk at Scotland JBug Meetup Hopefully some of you living in the area will have had a chance to catch him!
Galder Zamarreño, of the Infinispan project, have been doing a look at conference lately. I ran into him in Paris, at Devoxx France, where he delivered (at least) a talk and a lab, and, right after that, he to two others conferences, that he wished to thanks on the project blog:
Infinispan thanks Great Indian Developer Summit & Voxxed Days Zurich. His "world tour" of a sort is, of course, not finish, as he also attends our very own Red Hat Summit.
Releases, releases, releases
There is only one release we will mention in this section, for once, but it's a big one: Red Hat Fuse 7 - Announcing Red Hat Fuse 7 GA!!
Docker, and container in a more general sense, adoption have certainly increased a lot over the few last year. This adoption is also quite important in the Java and JBoss ecosystem, thus maybe this blog entry might be interesting to you too: How to install Red Hat CDK 3.4 on Fedora 28.
Hopefully, you have found something in this week's editorial to pique your interest and give you something to explore while waiting for next week's installment. Join us here next week for more news from the JBoss Community.