Why Restful?


  • Restful is popular alternative to SOAP web service and It is easy to use.


How do you secure your restful web service?


  • How do you protect server side resources to allow only certain authenticated users to access? Because each restful request is a stateless request, so you can’t use standard login page to authenticate a user anymore.
  • The solution is to use Http Authentication header and spring security framework.
  • There are many ways to use Spring Security to authenticate user request. In this paper I am going to show you how to use FilterSecurityInterceptor to authenticate user requests


Sequence Diagram




  • This diagram show Spring Security can protect your Java server side resource.
  • The Client makes a request to the server side service.
  • Spring FilterSecurityInterceptor intercepts the request and extract the Authentication header.
  • Spring FilterSecurityInterceptor calls AuthercationManger to authticate the user.
  • Spring FilterSecurityInterceptor use AccessManager to decide if the system is going to allow the user to access the protected resource. 


Spring Configuration


  1. Web.xml:









































<context:component-scan base-package="com.johnnyweb.stockWatcher.controller" />

    <mvc:annotation-driven />




                        <security:user-service id="userService">

                                <security:user name="gwtrest" password="gwtrest" authorities="customer" />





        <security:http create-session="stateless" use-expressions="true">


                <security:intercept-url pattern="/**"

                        access="hasAnyRole('customer')" />

                <security:http-basic />




Spring controller



@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)

        public @ResponseBody List<StockPrice> getStocks( @RequestParam(value = "q", required = false) final String q ) {


                String[] stockSymbols = q.split(" ");

                ArrayList<StockPrice> stockPriceList= new ArrayList<StockPrice>();

                    for (String stockSymbol : stockSymbols) {

                     Random rnd = new Random();

                      double price = rnd.nextDouble() * MAX_PRICE;

                      double change = price * MAX_PRICE_CHANGE * (rnd.nextDouble() * 2f - 1f);

                      StockPrice stockPrice = new StockPrice();








                return stockPriceList;





Test your restful service using FIrefox RestClient


