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What is Bootstrap?


  • A front-end toolkit for rapidly developing web applications from Twitter.
  • It provide web developers with a stylish popular components such as buttons, grids, navigation and it everything else you need to build a beautiful front end.
  • It supports both mobile and traditional web development


Why do I choose and promote Bootstrap?


  • I am a senior Java developer and I have ten plus years of web development experiences.
  • I have some basic CSS knowledge. However, I always rely on CSS developers to choose their favorite CSS components to do the web page layout and beatify our web application. 
  • I am very excited that I can build a great look web site myself very rapidly now.


Sample Components


  • Beautiful Informative Buttons




· Basic tabs



Easy to understand Layout


  • It is very easy to create a layout showed below





  • Bootstrap is easy to use CSS framework.
  • It will increase your productivity
  • There is no reason not to use it

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