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Registration   is open now for JBoss World 2011,  happening May 3rd - 6th in Boston, MA, USA. 


    Co-located with Red Hat Summit, JBoss World 2011 is packed with:

    * Presentations from customers like SNS Bank, SITA, and Travelers Insurance

    * Roadmap presentations on JBoss Enterprise Platforms

    * Hands-on labs and technical demonstrations from JBoss Rock Stars

    * Opportunities to network and party


* Keynotes from Dr. Mark Little, Sr. Director Middleware Engineering, and Craig Muzilla, Vice President, Middleware Business Unit, as well as Red Hat President & CEO Jim Whitehurst, Red Hat Executive VP & President, Products & Technologies Paul Cormier, and Red Hat Chairman of the      Board General Hugh Shelton.


    In addition all of the above,

Ken Johnson and I will be presenting on Applications in the Cloud? Now How Do I Integrate Them Into My Business? and hosting the JBoss Enterpr ise SOA Platform BoF.


    For more information, or to register now, please visit   


    I look forward to seeing you in Boston!

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