1 Reply Latest reply on May 24, 2010 10:27 AM by rareddy

    Basic Deployment instructions


      K, so I have teiid building sucessfully with "mvn install",  but what is the next step?



      Sorry for the silly question but a bit of pac-man on Friday distracted me.



        • 1. Re: Basic Deployment instructions

          It depends on what you wanting to do?


          To create the installable kit run "mvn install -P release assembly:assembly", that will create the distribution zip file in the root "target" directory that can be unzipped on a JBoss AS 5.1.0 install to Teiid runtime in JBoss AS. Check installation here.


          Then you would need a VDB that is either built using Designer or Dynamic VDB, that integrates the your sources. This can deployed in the Teiid runtime, and then your Java client application can access this virtual database in Teiid using Teiid JDBC driver.


          You can find documentation here and on WIKI.

