1 2 3 Previous Next 38 Replies Latest reply on Nov 24, 2011 7:37 PM by kwutzke Go to original post
      • 15. Roadmap and planning for RichFaces 4.1

        Hi Jay,


        How about rich:hotkey component?


        Waiting for rich:hotkey and rich:contextMenu components in the next release.




        • 16. Roadmap and planning for RichFaces 4.1

          At our meeting today we'll be discussing all of these items and getting together a listing of matching jira's to help match.


          We'll be looking at a fall release, so we'll need to balance all of the options here.


          Thanks for all the feedback, and please feel free to join the meeting today at #richfaces on irc.freenode.net in about 2 hours.



          • 17. Roadmap and planning for RichFaces 4.1
            - Confirmation Dialogs (with effects )

            I believe it should be bigger topic. I do not think that it's good to implement just some kind of popup. Confirmation already could be easilly done using popupPanel. And what RF has to add I believe - add general effects facility and just adopt for all the components on some ui state changes configurable through attributes.


            - Primefaces have DataExporter (for tables, is very cool) and StarRating

            Doooh! I want to have more time in the day in order to complete that finally I actually made the demo already a few month's ago but than my Win environment was crached and I lost all non-commited workspace data. Since than has no chance to restore it But actually it was really simple one created using just POI api in actionListener and getting the data from table model.

            • 18. Roadmap and planning for RichFaces 4.1

              The ghost text effect in h:inputText its cool!!


              Example in Twitter login page

              • 19. Roadmap and planning for RichFaces 4.1

                The correct name is watermark inside h:inputtext

                • 20. Roadmap and planning for RichFaces 4.1

                  I really need the shuttlelist component!


                  I'm looking forward to using shuttlelist in 4.1. What is the estimated delivery date for the 4.1 milestone release?

                  • 21. Re: Roadmap and planning for RichFaces 4.1

                    rich:editor will be nice.

                    • 22. Re: Roadmap and planning for RichFaces 4.1

                      Good day everyone!


                      Some of the richfaces 3 components are not there indeed.  As said by others already, the pickList is missing so much! :-)

                      I'd also like to see a theme mechanism as well, usable by the community, so that the artists among us could create good looking themes and share them (through this very website?) with others.


                      If not there already, FileUpload / FileDownload components would be very fine.  Even if it is always doable using simple servlet stuff, i think it is kind of annoying to switch back to other technologies for stuff like this.


                      All in all, I would think about the real utility of the components added to prioritize them.  Some fancy components would be cool to add but, when thinking about their utility, it can be quite limited... although I understand that everybody probably has a different view about what is "useful".

                      • 23. Re: Roadmap and planning for RichFaces 4.1

                        Picklist is definitely in the list for 4.1 :-)


                        Theme support would be nice as well, although we'll have to see how the scheduling goes.


                        Fileupload component is already there, but we are planning some improvements.

                        • 24. Re: Roadmap and planning for RichFaces 4.1

                          Don't forget rich:contextMenu.

                          • 25. Re: Roadmap and planning for RichFaces 4.1

                            In RF 4.0 I encountered the following problem (happening only in IE7):

                            If we have rich:popupPanel containing rich:dataTable and this panel not shown (i.e. not been calles method .show() yet) then during application startup we can see on a brower screen some strange grey grid lines - which comes from rich:dataTable columns (seems like only borders of rich:column's are visible).

                            In our application we have several rich:popupPanel's containing rich:dataTable and when we start an application we see a not very nice mix of grey grid lines.

                            Is this a known side effect?

                            How it can be work-arounded?

                            Is it possible to fix it in version 4.1?

                            By the way, when I replace rich:popupPanel with ordinary <div> (where rich:dataTable included) then everything is ok: when this div has style "visibility:hidden" there are no grid lines on a screen.

                            • 26. Re: Roadmap and planning for RichFaces 4.1

                              please start separate discussions for the cases. Not very good to break particular ones targetted to different topics.


                              About your questions.. does the popup nested to rich:dataTable? I will check it but anyway it's not a good idea in general.. putting popup to column means that there will be numerous popup instances on the same page (as rows count) and performance will not be good in that case.

                              • 27. Re: Roadmap and planning for RichFaces 4.1

                                Here are thoughts-gathering post about Editor, feedback would be really appreciated!


                                WYSIWYG Editors - Implementations

                                WYSIWYG Editor - Requirements Gathering

                                • 28. Re: Roadmap and planning for RichFaces 4.1

                                  Without rich:editor we can not move our application completely to RF4

                                  • 29. Re: Roadmap and planning for RichFaces 4.1

                                    Agreed - RF editor will be part of 4.1