1. Re: Nexus access to http://jesperpedersen.github.com/fungal/maven2
liegler.maurer Aug 12, 2011 7:14 AM (in response to liegler.maurer)Solution was Nexus dependent:
1) delete your old repo configuration to http://jesperpedersen.github.com/fungal/maven2/com/github/fungal (if exists, cause the following settings do not get "active")
2) setup anew, especially ...
2) set download remote indexes to false
3) set auto blocking active to false
2. Re: Nexus access to http://jesperpedersen.github.com/fungal/maven2
jesper.pedersen Aug 12, 2011 10:20 AM (in response to liegler.maurer)Jörg, let me know if you want to write some additional instructions for http://docs.jboss.org/ironjacamar/userguide/1.0/en-US/html/embedded.html
Also, you can upgrade to 1.0.3.Final, since you are using the Nexus repository directly.
3. Re: Nexus access to http://jesperpedersen.github.com/fungal/maven2
lmcgrath Feb 11, 2012 1:57 PM (in response to jesper.pedersen)Hey Jesper,
I think this is the only reference to the Fungal project's maven repository (aside from the github project page at http://jesperpedersen.github.com/fungal/.) There's no documentation or instructions on how to set up access to the runtime dependencies for ironjacamar, and the repository location at http://jesperpedersen.github.com/fungal/maven2 does not seem to exist.
I've been unable to run integration tests against the embedded container using maven because of the dependency problems.
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
4. Re: Nexus access to http://jesperpedersen.github.com/fungal/maven2
jesper.pedersen Feb 11, 2012 5:27 PM (in response to lmcgrath)Create a sample project using the code generator and select either the Maven or the Ant+Ivy setup for the build environment. Fungal is found through the ironjacamar-depchain artifact.
5. Re: Nexus access to http://jesperpedersen.github.com/fungal/maven2
lmcgrath Feb 11, 2012 6:31 PM (in response to jesper.pedersen)It worked! I just found one problem, the dependency org.jboss.ironjacamar:ironjacamar-core-spi:jar:1.1.0.Alpha5 doesn't exist after version 1.0.0.Beta5, but removing it from the POM allows the project to properly compile and test.
Thanks a bunch!
6. Re: Nexus access to http://jesperpedersen.github.com/fungal/maven2
jesper.pedersen Feb 12, 2012 10:09 AM (in response to lmcgrath)Fixed in JBJCA-746 - thanks for the report.
I'll try and add some information about Maven / Ivy usage to the Fungal User Guide.
7. Re: Nexus access to http://jesperpedersen.github.com/fungal/maven2
willimur Jul 9, 2012 3:50 PM (in response to liegler.maurer)Could somebody provide some clearer instructions for dealing with this weird Fungal dependency? I just saw that IronJacamar-Embedded could be a real help with a JCA adapter development project I'm doing, but I got hit with the same Maven dependency errors when trying to set things up.
I can't understand Jörg's comment—sounds like I'm supposed to change my maven's default settings to not download remote indexes... is that right? If so, I've never before run into a Maven artifact that has asked me to do that.
I ended up downloading the Fungal GIT repository and compiling and manually installing into Maven the fungal.jar file as version 0.11.0.Beta10... which means I'm only able to use IronJacamar version 1.1.0.Beta1. (I was trying to use version 1.0.11.Final, but that seemed to use a version of Fungal that I couldn't find in the GitHub history (0.10.1.Final) as GitHub seems to go straight from 0.10.0.Final to 0.11.0.Beta1!
This is a really confusing nightmare! Are there Maven versions of IronJacamar I should or shouldn't try to use due to this broken Maven Fungal repository issue?
8. Re: Nexus access to http://jesperpedersen.github.com/fungal/maven2
jesper.pedersen Jul 9, 2012 3:56 PM (in response to willimur)Murray, if you download IronJacamar 1.1.0.Beta1 and run the code generator in doc/codegenerator it will create a project skeleton for you. In your case choose "Maven" as your build environment, then copy the information from the generated pom.xml files. You could also do the same with the Eclipse plugin.
Fungal 0.10.x is for the IronJacamar 1.0 series, Fungal 0.11.x is for the IronJacamar 1.1 series. See the "Tags" tab for the different releases.
9. Re: Nexus access to http://jesperpedersen.github.com/fungal/maven2
willimur Jul 9, 2012 6:02 PM (in response to jesper.pedersen)Jesper... thanks for your quick response.
OMG, I hadn't noticed your CodeGenerator! OMG OMG OMG that's really wonderful! (It's also painful to learn about it now after having spent so much time unsuccessfully Googleing for JCA templates and s-l-o-w-l-y building my own by reading the JCA specs slowly, page by page!)
For those of us poor sobs who find ourselves needing to write a JCA adapter, IronJacamar is going to be an amazing help—both in the Embedded testing and the code template generation. Thanks for that!
By the way, I did some code generation (with the Maven option) and found a few problems. I know that figuring out the right pom is painful, partially since the Maven RAR plugin doesn't want to build a JAR inside the RAR, instead insisting that you build out separate interdependent Maven modules. Anyway, I put in a JIRA ticket (JBJCA-847) with what I found out.
10. Re: Nexus access to http://jesperpedersen.github.com/fungal/maven2
lmcgrath Jul 9, 2012 7:28 PM (in response to willimur)Jesper, these are exactly the same problems I was dealing with when figuring out how to make stuff work with Ironjacamar a couple months ago. I'm pretty disappointed to see they're still happening.
The code generator "works" only after you tweak a lot of the output, and trying to figure out all the setup leading up to there is pretty difficult. The project documentation is very opaque, and I find myself storing virtually every "known working" artifact I create somewhere in source control just as a reference.
Murray, I feel your pain.
11. Re: Nexus access to http://jesperpedersen.github.com/fungal/maven2
jesper.pedersen Jul 10, 2012 8:03 AM (in response to willimur)Running the code generator I get:
56 ./src/main/java/org/jboss/test 60 ./src/main/java/org/jboss 64 ./src/main/java/org 68 ./src/main/java 8 ./src/main/rar/META-INF 12 ./src/main/rar 12 ./src/main/resources/META-INF 16 ./src/main/resources 100 ./src/main 8 ./src/test/java/org/jboss/test 12 ./src/test/java/org/jboss 16 ./src/test/java/org 20 ./src/test/java 12 ./src/test/resources 36 ./src/test 140 ./src 156 . 156 total
and "mvn package" produces a .jar inside the .rar. So attach your pom.xml's to the JIRA and we will see what we can do.
You can find examples in the user guide, and how to use the embedded environment for testing. 1.1.0.Beta2 will contain some crazy stuff
12. Re: Nexus access to http://jesperpedersen.github.com/fungal/maven2
jesper.pedersen Jul 10, 2012 8:06 AM (in response to lmcgrath)Logan, instead of complaining why not help out with optimizing the templates ? It works here, and frankly Maven isn't high on my list, since we don't use it and never will.
13. Re: Nexus access to http://jesperpedersen.github.com/fungal/maven2
lmcgrath Jul 10, 2012 9:18 AM (in response to jesper.pedersen)I'd love to fix it, but I can't exactly fork SVN and submit a pull request. What's the procedure for getting access to source control and submitting fixes? The documentation doesn't really address that.
14. Re: Nexus access to http://jesperpedersen.github.com/fungal/maven2
lmcgrath Jul 10, 2012 9:21 AM (in response to jesper.pedersen)Found it. Think you guys could update the developer documentation with a hard link instead of a "should be over here..."?