1. Re: how to install one jar variant of jsf (i.e javax.faces-2.3.0-m01.jar) on wildfly
adila01 Feb 9, 2015 6:07 PM (in response to robertwalker)File upload should work with the JSF implementation already included in Wildfly. It was introduced in JSF 2.2 which Wildfly supports. There is also Primefaces file upload if you need a more robust example.
javax.faces-2.3.0-m01 is an early, early build for JSF 2.3. I definitely wouldn't use 2.3.0-m01 in production (heck, I wouldn't use it at all unless you plan to play with some of the new features).
2. Re: how to install one jar variant of jsf (i.e javax.faces-2.3.0-m01.jar) on wildfly
robertwalker Feb 10, 2015 9:29 AM (in response to adila01)thanks adil, the fileupload has problems with IE10/11, i know there is a patch listed in Michal Petrov's blog
RichFaces 4.5.2.Final Release Announcement
but even with the patch the IE10 is not letting you select multiple files and it does not show the selected files, just does not work.
we are in a corporate env and we have to use ie10
Michal's blog states jsf 2.3 (mojarra) is going to fix this, and i have tried so many jsf (mojarra and jboss) versions seeing if i could get it to work,
and been unsuccessful, this is my last hope. so, that being said, thats why i wanted to try jsf 2.3 milstone and get an idea if fileupload starts working
in IE10
3. Re: how to install one jar variant of jsf (i.e javax.faces-2.3.0-m01.jar) on wildfly
robertwalker Apr 14, 2015 10:45 AM (in response to robertwalker)according to the mojarra release notes, "We are NOT releasing a 2 JAR variant for 2.3"
and the milestone 2.3.0-m02 is supposed to have the fix for this ie broken fileupload issue,
see Michal Petrov's blog
does anyone know how to install a 1 jar variant of mojarra on wildfly?
i'll look around and get back if i do indeed find it