1. Re: Unable to get result on querying piavg or pitotal or pimax views of Pi server via Teiid
shawkins Mar 2, 2018 7:56 AM (in response to cm.kumar)What is the data type in teiid for timeStep? If it is a date/time type that literal comparison is not valid. If that is the case see [TEIID-5097] Cannot run time-based queries against Osisoft PI - JBoss Issue Tracker
To workaround you need to wrap the literal in a function that will the direct comparison in the generated source query.
2. Re: Unable to get result on querying piavg or pitotal or pimax views of Pi server via Teiid
cm.kumar Mar 2, 2018 8:19 AM (in response to shawkins)Yes, the data type of timestep is 'time'. So if I pass it in time format (like hh:mm:ss), it returns results. But for timesteps in days or months, the option is to push functions from VDB to Pi, is it right?
3. Re: Unable to get result on querying piavg or pitotal or pimax views of Pi server via Teiid
shawkins Mar 2, 2018 8:26 AM (in response to cm.kumar)Yes that is correct.
4. Re: Unable to get result on querying piavg or pitotal or pimax views of Pi server via Teiid
cm.kumar Mar 2, 2018 8:56 AM (in response to shawkins)thanks Steven.
Can you give some more information around this push-down function?
Like I'm not logically able to connect, meaning, this query now works,
SELECT pi."Time",
pi."value", pi.tag
from "PiArchive"."PiAvg" pi
where pi.timestep = '23:00:00' AND pi.tag= 'CDT158' and
pi.time BETWEEN TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY, -14, now()) AND now()
But timestep since it accepts time, max probably we could go is like 23:59:59. But how do we convert like '2d' into valid time via push down function?
5. Re: Unable to get result on querying piavg or pitotal or pimax views of Pi server via Teiid
shawkins Mar 2, 2018 9:05 AM (in response to cm.kumar)> But how do we convert like '2d' into valid time via push down function?
Teiid 10.1+ adds a pushdown function on the pi schema: create function interval(param string) returns timestamp options ("teiid_rel:native-query" $1)
If you are using an older Teiid version, you can add a similar function on the source schema either via DDL or Designer.
Then you don't need to convert an interval literal, but instead use the function:
pi.timeStep = pi.interval('1d')
6. Re: Unable to get result on querying piavg or pitotal or pimax views of Pi server via Teiid
thiru28 Mar 3, 2018 10:27 AM (in response to shawkins)I have included the VDB xml
<model name="PI" type="PHYSICAL" visible="true">
<property name="importer.importProcedures" value="true"/>
<property name="importer.tableTypes" value="TABLE"></property>
<property name="importer.importKeys" value="false"></property>
<source translator-name="osisoft-pi" connection-jndi-name="java:/PISrc" name="PISrc" />
<metadata type="NATIVE"/>
<metadata type="DDL">
CREATE FOREIGN FUNCTION interval1 (arg1 string) RETURNS timestamp OPTIONS ("teiid_rel:native-query" '$1');
I am executing the select statement on the Squirrel,
SELECT pi."Time", pi."value", pi.tag from "PiArchive"."PiAvg" pi where
pi.tag= 'CDT158' and
pi.timestep = pi.interval1('5d') AND
pi.time BETWEEN '2018-01-27' AND '2018-01-28'
I got an error below,
Error: TEIID30504 Remote org.teiid.core.TeiidProcessingException: TEIID30504 PISrc: 0 TEIID11008:TEIID11004 Error executing statement(s): [SQL: SELECT TOP 100 g_0.[time] AS c_0, g_0.[value] AS c_1, g_0.[tag] AS c_2 FROM [piarchive].[piavg] AS g_0 WHERE g_0.[tag] = 'CDT158' AND cast(g_0.[timestep] AS DateTime) = '5d' AND g_0.[time] >= '2018-01-27 00:00:00.0' AND g_0.[time] <= '2018-01-28 00:00:00.0']
SQLState: 50000
ErrorCode: 30504
Please advise me.
7. Re: Unable to get result on querying piavg or pitotal or pimax views of Pi server via Teiid
thiru28 Mar 3, 2018 9:12 PM (in response to thiru28)Its working fine from the below code changes in VDB.xml
<metadata type="NATIVE"/>
<metadata type="DDL">
CREATE FOREIGN FUNCTION TIMEINTERVAL(arg1 string) RETURNS TIME OPTIONS ("teiid_rel:native-query" '$1');
Squirrel select statement,
SELECT pi.Tag, pi."Time", pi."value" FROM "PiArchive"."PiAvg" pi
WHERE pi.tag= 'CDT158' AND
pi.timestep = TIMEINTERVAL('1w') AND
pi.time BETWEEN '2018-01-01' AND '2018-12-31'
8. Re: Unable to get result on querying piavg or pitotal or pimax views of Pi server via Teiid
rareddy Mar 5, 2018 9:08 AM (in response to thiru28)Metadata elements in the DDL are chained. When you define just the DDL one, then the model is only populated with metadata that is defined. Adding "NATIVE" brings in the metadata from the source about your schema. NATIVE is the default, but only when no other metadata type is defined.