As communicated last week. We've just released our Beta 5 release of GateIn.

On top of the various bug fixes, we've welcomed the contributions from Ji-Woong Choi and Jun Shik Jeaon for a Korean translations of the shipped-in user interfaces and from Luca Stancapiano for the Italian translation. Thanks a lot !
If you are willing to contribute a translation of GateIn, it's fairly easy, see here and ask for help if needed.

Also a note to say that all the members of the JBoss crew and part of the eXo crew will meet the week from January 25th to 29th in Switzerland so if you happen to be around and willing to meet us, this would be the best time, please ping me.

Onward for a candidate release now :) If you are willing to help there are plenty of tasks, easy and hard ones on the Jira.

As always you will find the download links on the GateIn website.

Thanks to everyone who helped on that release !