A lot of fixes and some new features compose this 2.1.0 candidate release. Most notably WSRP v2 support and completed event navigation support. See the release notes for full details.

Another nice feature in this release is the use of maven archetype catalogs and default configurations. You can access all the archetypes that are provided by this project with this short command:
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=http://bit.ly/chPvUw

and here are the screencast details...
In this episode we talk to Chris Laprun who is the WSRP lead and prinicipal software engineer at JBoss. He gives a basic overview of the project and some real world usecases of WSRP. Then I jump into a demo of how to consume a remote portlet using 2 different GateIn instances.

JBoss Portlet Bridge Episode 7 : Running JSF Apps Over WSRP v2