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December 16, 2010 Previous day Next day
We are happy to announce the final release of the 2.1.0 portlet bridge. The biggest change in this release (coming off the CR1) is better WSRP support. You can now run the majority of Richfaces components remotely with WSRP!
I also added one tiny feature that allows for GET style requests mapped to the bridge. Of course this is vendor specific and it's only supported on GateIn. This aids in the functionality of third party frameworks like Seam. Whichever parameter you decide to pull into your JSF portlet only needs to be defined like #{yourParam}. This will return a String array in your UI or wherever you might need it. Next task might be to have a navigation in a certain portlet happen based on this parameter and mapping it to PRPs.

Please visit the project home page, wiki, or release notes for more info.
You may also check out the screencasts available here and here. Episode 7(below) was shot for 2.1.0.CR1, so I won't waste time doing the same thing.

Look for many great things to come from this project in 2011. We will have a DZone RefCard coming out late Jan early Feb, and I will be trying to get as many talks accepted to conferences  as possible. Look for my presentation titled "Making Portals Cool" at a Java conference near you. ;)

JBoss Portlet Bridge Episode 7 : Running JSF Apps Over WSRP v2

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