JBoss Tools 4 Alpha 2 - Stacks, OpenShift SSH, Hibernate Tools, Forge Debug and more...
Posted by maxandersen in JBoss Tools on Oct 9, 2012 12:35:45 PMJBoss Tools 4.0.0 Alpha 2
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Time for Alpha2 for JBoss Tools 4 - the set of eclipse plugins that works and run on Eclipse Juno and looking at Eclipse Marketplace stats it already is being more installed than our Indigo stable release. Amazing
Recommended path to install is to have a clean Eclipse Juno install and use our updatesite to install from.
This release you need Eclipse 4.2 but we recommend using the Eclipse 4.2 JEE Bundle since then you get most of the dependencies preinstalled.
Once you have installed Eclipse use our update site directly, or you can drag this icon into your running Eclipse to install from the Eclipse Marketplace:
The update site URL to use from Help > Install New Software... is:
Note: SOA Tooling, including BPEL, Drools, ESB, jBPM3, jBPM5, Savara, SwitchYard, pi4soa, ModeShape & Teiid Designer are not included in the JBoss Tools Core release at this time - they will be available separately.
Note m2e-wtp users: In case you already have m2e-wtp installed, then add the updatesite first and then run "Help > Find Updates" before trying to run Help > Install new. This way you will automatically update from the old org.maven.ide.eclipse.wtp.feature 0.15 to the new namespace & version, org.eclipse.m2e.wtp.feature 0.16.
Stacks attack!
One of the challenges tools and users have is that as the various runtimes evolves and new features gets added. How do we keep up ? How do we ensure that you got the right examples and get easily started on using the new or even old runtime ? Which version of the runtimes is the recommend one ? Which version of the archetypes is supposed to be used with these runtimes to show its features ?
And especially for tools - how do we avoid having a JBoss Tools installation go stale without requiring a new release for every runtime released ?
To solve this, we worked together with the JBoss Developer Framework team and developed JBoss Stacks. JDF team launched the site allowing you to navigate the various BOM's and recommended versions. Now, in JBoss Tools Alpha2 we have the JBoss Central wizards choose the appropriate version of the archetypes based on which runtime version you have installed.
In case you do not have a runtime installed the recommended version will be chosen and you can download the matching runtime directly from the JBoss Central wizards.
These runtime downloads are also now available when creating a server adapter directly allowing you to either download directly or get a link for the latest version of JBoss runtimes.
OpenShift SSH Key management
The biggest hurdle users seemed to have when trying out OpenShift was to get their SSH keys to match up. Before you had to use the OpenShift web-ui to manage these keys, in Alpha2 we've made this feature available directly from within the tools.
You find this feature by right clicking on your OpenShift connection and choosing "Manage SSH Keys".
And from here you can now add/remove SSH keys to OpenShift.
Forge Debugging
If you are a plugin developer for Forge then you can now debug the Forge console launched within the Forge Tools - allowing for easy inspection and debugging of your Forge Plugins.
This feature was contributed by Thomas Frübeck during our 3.3.0 final lock down so it could not make it in early, it was there in Alpha1 but we forgot to mention it then.
Thanks Thomas!
Hibernate Tools Core on Maven
Koen Aers been working on the Forge integration of Hibernate tools and in that respect needed updated versions of Hibernate Tools core to be available in Maven.
Thus the latest Hibernate Tools Core CR releases are now available in JBoss repository at https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public/org/hibernate/hibernate-tools/
What else ?
Jira has the full details but if you are into screenshots see the Whats New section.
Next up is our Beta 1 for JBoss Tools 4 - please don't hesitate to give your feedback on Alpha2
Have fun,