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JBoss Tools

December 2, 2013 Previous day Next day

We are getting closer to the final release - give this candidate release a spin.


JBoss Tools 4.1.1.CR1 & Developer Studio 7.1.0.CR1

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JBoss Tools is a set of plugins for Eclipse that complements, enhances and goes beyond the support that exists for JBoss and related technologies in the default Eclipse distribution. JBoss Developer Studio is a subset of JBoss Tools including  a full Eclipse and other 3rd party plugins.


This update just contain bug fixes and workflow improvements based on issues reported against the previous Beta release




JBoss Developer Studio


You can download JBoss Developer Studio from our Early Access site. Use this if you just want an easy to install, but fully bundled Eclipse installation.


JBoss Tools:


If you prefer JBoss Tools with individual plugin installation, you use this update site an install into your existing Eclipse Kepler install:

Note, if you already have this enabled you will get updates to your plugins via 'Help > Check for updates' but you will not get new plugins installed - thus if you don't have Cordova tooling installed already you need to use the 'Help > Install' menu to install it.




Giving Feedback

There are more news and screenshots in What's New, and if you have an idea to an improvement or found a bug do not hesitate to open an issue in our issue tracker.


What's Next ?

Final release is planned to happen before the holidays - Please try this release out and get your feedback in now


...and do not forget that Integration Stack is Back, giving you support for SOA related tech too - we got beta builds for that too here.


Have fun!

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