• This week in JBoss (25th May 2017): Development Wizadry

    I was pleased to see that Red Hat has acquired Codenvy to expand their cloud-native app dev portfolio.  Back in 2014 Codenvy started Eclipse Che by exporting and open sourcing their cloud kernel.  As it says...
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    last modified by kpeeples
  • This week in JBoss (19 May 2017)

    Another week has come to a close. It’s been a great week, full of blogs, releases and travel recaps within the JBoss Community! Here’s a quick recap of what has happened this week. Red Hat Summit Interv...
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    last modified by lightguard
  • This week in JBoss (12th May 2017): Cloud Native Development, Polyglot runtimes & CDI 2.0

    Another week, another chance to discover all the amazing technology which is designed by the JBoss engineers. The Red Hat summit is over but there are still plenty of news to share with you as you will discover hereaf...
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    last modified by cmoulliard
  • Easy testing of CDI components with Weld and JUnit4

    There is no doubt that unit/component testing is essential for most of the applications. Sometimes the component under the test needs to communicate with other components. This is where we usually reach for mocking fr...
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    last modified by mkouba
  • Why we voted NO on JSR 376

    Now that the vote has passed and the EC face-to-face meeting in Austin on May 8th and 9th has also concluded, I wanted to write down a little about why we voted NO on JSR 376. Scott has already posted an article on th...
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    created by marklittle
  • This week in JBoss (4th May 2017): OpenShift.io lives

    This week sees our annual conference, Red Hat Summit, taking place at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center with many of the core development teams in attendance.  If you have been fortunate enough to atten...
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    created by kconner
  • Twas the Week Before Summit April 27 2017

    Hello, everyone! Welcome back to the pre-Summit JBoss Weekly Editorial! I’m sure you all know that Red Hat Summit is happening next week, we’re looking forward to seeing you there! Many of us will be givin...
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    last modified by lightguard
  • Concerns Regarding Jigsaw(JSR-376, Java Platform Module System)

    This blog introduces concerns that members of the Red Hat middleware team, Apache Maven chair, Paremus, Sonatype, as well as other Java Executive Committee(EC) members have regarding the JSR-376 Java Platform Module S...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • This week in JBoss (April 21st): BPM Ruling The World?

    We're back after a couple of weeks break and where to start? The obvious candidate is BPM because the team seem to be dominating the feeds recently! The BPM product architect and jBPM project lead, Kris Verlaenen, has...
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    last modified by marklittle
  • This Week in JBoss (April 5th): IF as a Service

    It has been a few weeks since we last provided an update on the activities within our Communities and for that we apologise.  With this edition of our Weekly Editorial we are hoping to rectify this mistake and ta...
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    created by kconner
  • RESTEasy 3.1.2.Final and 3.0.22.Final are out

    Yesterday we pushed a new couple of releases (3.1.2.Final and 3.0.22.Final) out of the door, so have a look at the release notes and try them :-) The new versions are mainly bug fix ones. Something interesting is tha...
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    last modified by asoldano
  • This week in JBoss (15th March 2017) - Deep into the source code

    As Spring gets closer, the JBoss community is certainly not getting its head of code. Indeed, on top of a large batch of releases in the last ten days, the community also produced a dozen of interesting articles, rang...
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    last modified by rpelisse
  • JBUG OWL Themenabend am 9.3.2017: DevOps Enterprise Ready - Docker-Container, Kubernetes, OpenShift

    Die JBoss User Group JBUG OWL richtet am 9. März 2017 ab 17:30 Uhr an der Uni Paderborn (Hörsaal L2) einen Themenabend rund um JBoss Middleware und das Thema DevOps Enterprise Ready - Docker-Container, Kuber...
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    last modified by smidderhoff
  • This week in JBoss (2nd March 2017)

    Welcome to this week's editorial!   This week we've seen a strong theme around the continual convergence of containers, microservice architectures, middleware and cloud. Christian Posta provides an interesting w...
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    created by paul.robinson
  • RESTEasy 3.1.1.Final is out

    Here we are a couple of months later with the first bug fix release of RESTEasy 3.1.x series. Oh, well, the release actually includes a bunch of enhancements and component upgrades too, so be sure to check the release...
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    last modified by asoldano
  • This week in JBoss (24th February 2017): Winter is fading ...

    OK so this is an editorial meant to cover many things happening in the JBoss/middleware space for Red Hat. And whilst we'll get to a summary of some of the other things going on in  this space, I wanted to start ...
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    last modified by marklittle
  • This week in JBoss (18th February 2017): Releases and Birthdays

    This past week was the birthday of one of the greatest men in American history.  We can learn alot from great men and women in history.  There are probably not many people, nationally and globally, who have ...
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    last modified by kpeeples
  • EcmaScript 6 features, nice comparison in examples

    See this: ECMAScript 6: New Features: Overview and Comparison Thanks to Marek for finding this.
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    last modified by ozizka
  • Angular2 + TypeScript + JS hellstack - lessons learned (preface)

    Past few months, I've been working with Angular 2. I didn't pick it, rather been forced to. In a good sense. We use it as UI tech for Red Hat Migration Toolkit, AKA project Windup - for it's web UI. I was pushing my (...
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    created by ozizka
  • Windup 3.0.0.Final is here!

    After WindUp Eclipse Plugin 3.0.0.CR1 release we have finished our way to the major upgrade for WindUp and first stable release of WindUp Eclipse plugin.   We've added new rulesets to support migration paths fro...
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    created by manarh