Hello, everyone! Welcome back to the pre-Summit JBoss Weekly Editorial! I’m sure you all know that Red Hat Summit is happening next week, we’re looking forward to seeing you there! Many of us will be giving talks or hanging around at the booth, please stop by and say hi.

As you might have guessed, a lot of the information for this week’s editorial will be about Summit. That isn’t to say that there hasn’t been some other stuff that has happened. Let’s get into it!


Byteman has pushed out a couple of new releases: 3.0.10 and 4.0.0-BETA5 to be exact. 3.0.10 is a bug fix release and intended for JDK8 and earlier. 4.0.0-BETA5 contains the same bug fixes as 3.0.10 and some others targeting JDK9. Of course, you can checkout the release notes for the version you’re interested in.


Teiid 9.3-Beta1 was released last Friday. You can read the release on the blog for more information. This release includes support for LEAD/LAG/FIRST_VALUE/LAST_VALUE functions. There’s also been some initial work done for Couchbase connectivity and SQLAlchemy/Superset. The team would appreciate any feedback you have if you’re using any of those data stores.


The Infinispan group released Hotrod clients C++/C# 8.1.0.Final earlier in the week. There are a number of feature requests and enhancements that went into this release, as well as a good helping of bug fixes. Read more about them in the release notes.

Apache Manifold 2.7 was released earlier in the week. It includes a brand new UI, SharePoint 2016 support and improved connectors for a number of different data stores. 40 improvements and issues have been resolved in this release. Congratulations to the team on a job well done!


Of course, there’s all the stuff happening at Red Hat Summit. Quite a bloggers projects being showcased at Summit. This is turning out to be a spectacular event this year, you certainly won’t want to miss it!


There’s also the Great Indian Developer Summit wrapping up this week. Galder Zamarreño is there speaking about Infinispan of course! His talks touch on Big Data and reactive applications using Infinispan. Both wonderful topics!

It’s a busy week for us coming up, hoping to see you there!

Other goings on

We’ll finish up this editorial with some general happenings within the community.


Those of you following Debezium will already know, but Randall Hauch has stepped down from running the project and has taken a position with Confluent! We wish him the greatest of success in his new position! To fill the void, Gunnar Morling has stepped up and will be filling Randall’s place. Gunnar is no stranger to open source and data. He’s worked for a number of years on Hibernate, Bean Validation as well as other. We’re looking forward to great things coming from Debezium and Gunnar!


In keeping with the data theme, Guillaume Smet wrote about Simple Query String on the Hibernate blog. The feature came out with Lucene 4.7.0 and support in Hibernate Search version 5.8.0.Beta1. It is a powerful way of building up a query without having to wade through all the Lucene query documentation. Hibernate Search has a DSL for it and the team is looking for feedback. If this is something you’re using, or looking at using, please give them your feedback.


In the Vert.x camp, Benoit Hediard blogged about creating an application using Angular on the front-end and Vert.x on the back end. He goes through reasons to use this stack and also walks you through a basic proof of concept to get you going.


Corinne Krych blogged about debugging Karam tests over on her blog. If you’ve been using Karma it may not always be that easy to get things working. Head over and read Corinne’s example and setup for getting started debugging those tests!


Have you thought about securing your containers? Eric Schabell certainly has. In fact, he wrote a post about getting all those things secured. It’s certainly worth the read if you’re using containers and need to make sure everything is on the up and up!


Our last entry this week comes from Christian Posta about calling your services and why it’s difficult. Microservices isn’t easy, and getting them right is even more difficult. Christian continues talking about the most difficult parts of microservices.


Thank you all for reading and again, we’re looking forward to seeing you all at Red Hat Summit!