This week in JBoss (19 May 2017)
Posted by lightguard in Weekly Editorial on May 19, 2017 3:36:00 PMAnother week has come to a close. It’s been a great week, full of blogs, releases and travel recaps within the JBoss Community! Here’s a quick recap of what has happened this week.
Red Hat Summit Interview with Sebastien Blanc
You all heard about Red Hat Summit 2017, probably multiple times. While I was there, I was able to get some time with some of our developers and do some quick interviews! These interviews will be highlighted here on the Weekly Editorial. The first one I’d like to highlight is my interview with Sebastien Blanc, aka Sebi. Sebi has contributed to AeroGear and is currently working on Keycloak, a security solution. In this interview we talk about what Keycloak is, how I would use it, and why it’s important.
A number of releases have happened over the past week!
The Arquillian team is really churning out the releases, with five releases this past week!
Hibernate Validator 6.0.0.Beta1 with Bean Validation 2.0.0.Beta1 support was released this past week! It requires Java 8. Go grab it and play around with some of the new features and validations in this release!
The APIMAN 1.3.0.Final release came out early this week and includes a number of bug fixes, improved documentation, a headless registry and the Vert.x Gateway has been polished and is officially released!
CDI 2.0
Fast on the heals of the JCP Ballot finishing, we can officially announce that CDI 2.0 is finished! You can also start playing with it using Weld 3.0.0, which is detailed in the release announcement.
The Immutant team has released Immuntant 2.1.7 which includes some updates to Undertow and Ring. It also fixes some issues with applications not being able to properly respond to HEAD request.
Because Red Hat Summit is over doesn’t mean travels are over! Our developers and community have been around ta many other conferences over the past week or two. Check out the recaps of these conferences in the various blogs:
Speaking of Blogs, a number of blogs have been released this week talking about OpenShift, APIMAN, Hibernate, Infinispan and testing!