JBoss MicroKernel
The JBoss Kernel provides a lightweight kernel for managing POJOs, their deployment and configuration.
Additional features can be added:
Configuring a container for the POJO and and adding aspects.
Writing deployment aspects to add extra configuration steps for a POJO/deployment.
Make the JBoss microkernel available as a supported standalone project.
Re-implement the kernel inline with our POJO middleware strategy.
No requirement for JMX (which might not be available in some environments).
No requirement to extend or reference JBoss classes.
Allow unit tests "outside" the JBoss server.
JMX still used by the JBoss server.
Allow JBoss services to be easily deployed in the other containers.
Removes any "lock in" associated with using JBoss Services.
The enclosing container may handle classloading, logging, etc.
Allow the features to be used in more restrictive environments (e.g. Applets, J2ME, etc.)
Lightweight and small memory footprint.
May not be authorized to the MBeanServer, System properties, etc.
Layered approach - advanced features are optional, e.g. hot-deploy, jmx or cluster support.
Improved configuration management.
Notion of manual/on-demand start of a service.
Versioned configuration profiles.
Permenant deployment/config changes when using management apis.
Notion of system/subsystem.
Notion of service/subservice as opposed to service/dependent service.
Enhanced bootstrap.
Introduce an "Aspectized" deployer layer.
Deployment aspects for classloading, logging, configuration, dependency injection, etc.
Virtual File System to improve and ease deployment/archive access inside the deployers.
Use the container defined by the Unified Interceptor project.
Better integration with JBoss/AOP.
Allows reuse of interceptors/services from other parts of JBoss.
Provide kernel aspects - IOC, lifecycle, valve, state, etc.
Improved support for dependencies.
Classloading dependencies.
JNDI/port binding dependencies.
Better definition of implicit/explicit rules.
Improved support for clustering.
Clustered services - config and operations automatically propogated according to metadata rules.
Transparent access to remote services in the cluster.
Class Diagrams for Evolving JBoss5
See Also
Referenced by: