Version 40

    This wiki page will be a launching point to design proposals for new and planned RichFaces components.  We encourage the community to read about these components and raise topics on the Design of RichFaces forum or find one that has already been started in order to discuss concerns , opinions, open items, or make suggestions.



    That section contains not much content because of the fact that most 3.3.x dev time - requirements documents was shared through SVN only and was not widelly announced. [SVN folder with requirements for 3.3.x]

    layouts overview

    a4j:queue component

    rich:editor component



    General requirements

    Management of migration [jira requirements]

    CSS classes naming convention


    Client event attributes naming convention


    Details on CSS structure, standards and skinning principles for RichFaces components


    Framework parts

    Client Side Validation [requirements wiki page] [implementation design] - planned to M3

    Component requirements


    A1 -  A2

    Core Ajax Components Requirements


    Data Iteration components




    Simple panels

    Switchable panels (toggle, accordion)

    Lists iteration components




    autocomplete component

    input number components (slider done in M2)

    Switchable panels (accordion)

    inplaces components(input)


    input number components (spinner planned to M3)

    Switchable panels (tab)



    select component

    calendar component

    Tooltip Component

    Tree component

    inpalces components(select)


    FileUpload component

    calendar component(continue from M4)

    Menus (toolbar, panelMenu, dropdown and menuitems for M5)
