This page contains test results for the third part of testing the Nexus Maven repository.
Paul Gier
Maven Repository Test Plan - User Authentication - PASSED
Maven Repository Test Plan - Consuming Repo Artifacts - PASSED
Maven Repository Test Plan - Save Proxied Artifacts - PASSED
Maven Repository Test Plan - Searching for Artifacts - PASSED
Maven Repository Test Plan - Deploying Snapshot Artifacts - PASSED
Maven Repository Test Plan - Deploying Release Artifacts - PASSED
Notes: The first build was a bit slow I think because the server had to proxy in the artifacts. Subsequent builds were faster and performance seemed similar to the Sonatype jbtest repository.
Lincoln Baxter
David Vrzalik
(late log - just for the record)
User Authentication - PASSED
Consuming Repo Artifacts - PASSED
Save Proxied Artifacts - PASSED
Searching for Artifacts - PASSED
Deploying Snapshot Artifacts - SKIPPED (wasn't able to finish before the repo went public)
Deploying Release Artifacts - SKIPPED
Andrew Lee Rubinger
Randall Hauch
Hardy Ferentschick
Arnaud Heritier
Tom Jenkinson
User Authentication - PASSED (after name was added to the DB)
Consuming Repo Artifacts - PASSED - now that the firewall has been opened
Save Proxied Artifacts - PASSED
Searching for Artifacts - PASSED - but sometimes the URL gets jacked and the search function doesn't work (search for something that is there and it comes back with no results, URL was reading;quick~blacktie - when I knocked the parameters off the url then search worked again)
Deploying Snapshot Artifacts - PASSED - but was not able to deploy the dist (.tgz/.zip) of my project to the repo (it is 61mb), the counter that maven displays of upload progress went up very quickly, then my machine hung, I looked at the network counter on fedora and it showed data being uploaded but I killed the maven process after it got to 100 MB+
Deploying Release Artifacts - PASSED
NOTE: I cannot delete items from the release repository, its not a huge problem as I created my artifact with the version of 2.0.0.TEST but it would be useful to be able to delete it