• No JaCoCo code coverage for Arquillian black box tests (@RunAsClient)

    Hello,   I am trying to get code coverage from my Arquillian tests using JaCoCo. So far it seems that it does not work, but maybe I just did some mistake.   Here is my example project: GitHub - cwansart/ar...
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    last modified by cwansart
  • gradle shrinkwrap resolver: how to fetch single artifact?

    hi, with shrinkwraps's maven resolver it is easily possible to get hold of maven artifacts:   Maven.resolver().resolve("G:A:V").withTransitivity().as(File.class);   This is sometimes nice if I want to exp...
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    last modified by daniel.platz
  • @ArquillianResource ContainerController not available in static method

    I use ContainerController declared as follows:   @ArquillianResource protected static ContainerController controller;  And I would expect controller to be non null in static method @BeforeClass, but it is n...
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    last modified by mchoma
  • NoSuchMethod strangeness with warp rest extension

    I'm essentially following the example on arquillian-extension-rest/README.md at master · arquillian/arquillian-extension-rest · GitHub  but I get a   java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.jboss.resteas...
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    last modified by nickarls
  • Need help using Shrinkwrap Resolver to get Pom metadata

    Hello,   If I use the following code:   private val springBootStarterWeb = "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web:1.5.1.RELEASE" Maven.configureResolver().resolve(springBootStarterWeb).withoutT...
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    last modified by joshuawhite929
  • How to set properties in persistence.xml?

    I want to add a reference to a maven property in my persistence.xml:   <jar-file>lib/something-${project.version}.jar</jar-file>   The property can be set in the maven build using a maven resou...
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    created by tstiemerling
  • Cannot run Arquillian test on the latest JBoss AS managed container

    I have been following Basic Arquillian tutorial Getting Started · Arquillian Guides Since dependencies used in that tutorial are outdated I have updated to the recent as Java to the version 8. Tests work on emb...
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    last modified by varminas
  • java.lang.IllegalStateException when doing full ear deploy

    Hello everyone,   I've been playing around with arquillian to try and make tests for the application I'm currently working with. As the ear is pretty complex and has many dependencies, I'm trying to do a full de...
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    last modified by tiago.ventosa
  • Bootstrap arquillian without enrichers

    I would like to able to initialize arquillian container without with the test runner or annotation enrichers.   ``` @DockerContainer Container pingpong = Container.withContainerName("pingpong")   .fromIma...
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    last modified by ahmali86
  • Using Arquillian Universe with Arquillian Drone

    Hi all, I have an Arquillian Drone project which is essentially based on this example project: arquillian-examples/arquillian-drone-tutorial at master · arquillian/arquillian-examples · GitHub I have upda...
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    created by mylos78
  • Git repo for http://arquillian.org/guides/functional_testing_using_graphene/ ?

    Any idea where is the full source code for Functional Testing using Drone and Graphene · Arquillian Guides ? Is this still compiling and running?
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    last modified by sebtardif
  • Circular Reference Error, and Sometimes NPE, in Simple Warp Test

    I'm using the latest Arquillian universe BOM with Warp 1.0.0.Alpha8.  I'm just getting started with Warp and I have a very simple "Hello World" style test.  The test immediately fails trying to depl...
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    last modified by raytucson
  • Using @EJB Causes JUnit to Fail, but tests still run and succeed on server side

    I'm using the latest Arquillian universe version and Wildfly remote container 2.1.0 final.   I have a test that injects a POJO using @Inject.  When I run the test, the test passes, green bar in JUn...
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    last modified by raytucson
  • Arquillian with WebSphere Liberty Profile:Failed to load maven dependencies org.jboss.arquillian.container:arquillian-wlp-managed-8.5:1.0.0.Beta2

    Hello guys,   I am new to Arquillian and running into an issue when configuring Arquillian with WebSphere Liberty Profile. I use Intellij 2017.3.2 and gradle as the build tool.   I've configured arquillian...
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    last modified by arquilliannewuser
  • ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.tools.attach.VirtualMachine

    I am trying to run my integration tests via a Jenkins build using Maven running JUnit and Arquillian. When I run on my local Windows machine, everything runs fine (without Jenkins). But when I try to build using Jenki...
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    last modified by dlwester
  • Multiple Containers

    Hi I have read that running two containers at one time is not possible re `You can only have one container adapter on the classpath at a time. Arquillian will abort execution of the test if it detects multiple adap...
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    last modified by abdulazizali77
  • arqullian - switchyard example - no runnable methods

    Hello, I tried to make simple arquillian test which deploys switchyard example using arquillian to jboss EAP. But test result: no runnable methods.   Details i have posted in java - Arqullilan: no runnable meth...
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    last modified by pnovak88
  • Looking for Arquillian training video courses anywhere?

    Looking for Arquillian training video courses anywhere? I am aware about docu at Arquillian site project and i am aware of books one of which will be release soon. Still i hope some made the video training about arq...
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    last modified by javaeeprofi
  • Arquillian Shrinkwrap ClassCastException PersistenceProviderImpl

    I have been looking at this problem for almost a week now, and I've run out of options. I am guessing there is some conflict between the classes that I am including. I started with the sample arquillian test and exte...
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    last modified by assimilate
  • How to use log4j2 in my ShrinkWrap container?

    Hello,   I use log4j2 for my project setup, but for some reason it does not work for my ShrinkWrap containers. I set it up like this:   @RunWith(Arquillian.class) @RunAsClient public class MyIntegrationTest...
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    last modified by cwansart