• Arquilian with managed Tomcat

    Hello,   I run my tests until now agains a embedded Tomcat container.   After some problems with classloaders during running one ui project with several REST webservice projects (jdbc library is loaded mul...
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    last modified by vbaghdas
  • org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnproxyableResolutionException: WELD-001437 addSuppressed method is final

    I'm using Arquillian with JBoss EAP 6.4. I had a working test using an EAR file, and one of my team members added custom exceptions to our project; the issue is, all exceptions inherit from Throwable, which as a final...
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    last modified by dfoster
  • Is there a way to run cli command for EAP before tests ?

    Hi, do Arquillian test has a way to run cli command for EAP before the tests begins ? (cli command to create datasource or jms queue ) Is there a way to do it  ? can someone point me to example or API ?   ...
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    last modified by nmay
  • Arquillian on WAS remote container and @PersistenceContext

    For integration tests I wanted to use Arquillian and followed all the steps in the 'getting started tutorial'. Since I have an existing application things are not so trivial to set up however I managed to fix most of ...
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    last modified by teewetee
  • Debugger not working properly on TestNG test using Arquillian deployed to Jboss embedded container?

    I am using Eclipse to try to debug a TestNG test that extends the Arquillian base class, org.jboss.arquillian.testng.Arquillian, on a web application deployed to the JBoss embedded container.   I have set breakp...
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    last modified by brucespringfield
  • Guidance in using Arquillian with Wildfly9

    Hi all!   We are developing applications currently running on Wildfly 9 (9.0.1.Final). Our stack is typically (sub modules in maven): - rest layer in webapp (jaxrs) - service layer - dao layer (jpa) - domai...
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    last modified by jvskriubakken
  • Debugging Arquillian tests from Eclipse

    Hello,   I try debug my testcases from Eclipse. For this purpose I start Jboss in debug mode with the option   -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8086,server=y,suspend=n.   I try to set th...
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    last modified by suikast42
  • How ShrinkWrap Maven Resolver found by wildfly

    I use wildfly-arquillian-container-embedded to do my test. In the generated war, arquillian-core.jar was included in the lib directory. The arquillian-core.jar contains \org\jboss\shrinkwrap\api and \org\jboss\shrin...
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    last modified by wuhuaxu
  • Handling transitive dependencies in Arquillian

    I am looking for a testing framework for integration testing of my application. class A {     @Autowired B b;      @Autowired C c; }   class B {     @Autowir...
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    last modified by pankaj-gem
  • Application Testing with Arquillian Persistence Extension

    Hello everyone, I'm currently trying to write integration tests for a rest application of mine. This application depends on a background database which it accesses through JPA. The application server I use is wildf...
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    last modified by madoar
  • Using Recorder with remote selenium grid

    Hi there,   I'm tinkering with the arquillian-graphene-recorder right now and wanted to record my stuff, but can't record videos like I thought it would work.   This is my current setup: * some setup sele...
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    created by fibrefox
  • RushEye in Maven Repo

    Hi Guys,   Is this possible for you guys to add the RushEye project in maven repo?  RushEye is a great project for implementing visual validation along with Drone/Graphene.   RushEye:   rusheye-...
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    created by vinothsjboss
  • Problems with tutorial

    Sorry, newbie here. Having trouble with the tutorial.  The command failed due to unKnownHostException. I tried 5 different maven setting.xml files, none seemed to work, does it need a special settings.xml file? &...
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    last modified by pamelaw
  • Arquillian deploys application but test runs only locally

    I am using the Websphere container adapter (arquillian-was-remote-8) to deploy an EAR file to a remote container and run an Arquillian test on it. The basic setup is working, Arquillian deploys the EAR to the Webspher...
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    last modified by dokaspar
  • java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not create new instance of class org.jboss.arquillian.test.impl.EventTestRunnerAdaptor

    Hello, I am new to Arquillian and I have some problems configurating my project.   Here is the error I am getting: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not create new instance of class org.jboss.arquillian.test.i...
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    last modified by m.hristova
  • Failed to load module errors

    Hi all   I am getting the following errors in my project when I try to run it. The server just hangs. These problems arose after I managed to add Arquillian framework to the project. I am able to run a test but ...
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    last modified by bosra
  • org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.exporter.ArchiveExportException: Failed to write asset to output: /WEB-INF/....

    hi i made 2 configuration with maven jacoco and arquillian for sonar 6.2 and java 8 and it is working on a last project i could not make it work i have this error while packaging archive :   org.jboss.shrinkwrap...
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    last modified by fdlprod
  • Arquillian test case fails due to unsuccessful undeployment

    I have an arquillian class with three test method which runs on a managed tomcat. when I run my test class , all three test method passes but  the whole test case class fails with this message :   java.lan...
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    last modified by yasharbi
  • Deployment of JavaArchive not supported by arquillian-was-remote-8?

    Hi,   I tried to use the Websphere container adapter (arquillian-was-remote-8) to deploy a simple Jar file by following the Getting Started · Arquillian Guides tutorial. However, I keep running into an exc...
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    last modified by dokaspar
  • Maven properties from multi-module project needed in deployment

    I have a project that has multiple modules, with parent poms that go few layers up. There are properties that I need from these pom files for my arquillian tests (in order to build up an ear file).   How do I ge...
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    last modified by dfoster