• AMI without JBossESB

    Hello Marek,    Finnally i have created an AMI for JBossESB. But the problem is when starting the image in a EC2 Machine i don't find JBoss ESB.  have you please any idea?    There is two ...
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  • Augeas save failed on guestfs

    Hi,   I'm trying to build an EBS image of fedora 13, using the new EBS delivery plugin, but I get an error everytime. A small extract of the output follows (the entire log file and output can be found as attachm...
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    last modified by tiagopires
  • on centos 5.5 create with ebs

    I run the following command:   boxgrinder-build appliances/centos-5.appl -p ec2 -d ebs   which would like to create a centos 5.5 image, but I received the following error:   er_build-local-repo -c bu...
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    last modified by kiss.tibor.axiomatic
  • building an appliance file throws error

    Hello,   when trying to build an appl file, an error was occured. Any  help please?   Thanks   Younes
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    last modified by ingedeut
  • post section inheritance

    I'm finding that inherited appliance "post" sections don't apply in the order that I would expect: ancestor first.   Bug or feature?
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    last modified by bfulton
  • appliance with required packages

    Hello,   i want to create an appliance file for jbossesb. Is there any appliance which contains only the os and the required packages e.g fedora.appl ... i have read that cirras.appl exists. But it comes with a...
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    last modified by ingedeut
  • Package mkinitrd not exist in the repository?

    Hello,   when building an appl file (jbossesb-base.appl), an error has occured saying :  "Package mkinitrd for jbossesb appliance not found in repositories".   I think that the package mkinitrd not e...
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    last modified by ingedeut
  • Installing on CentOS 5

    I tried following the instructions at http://community.jboss.org/docs/DOC-14384 for setting up a BoxGrinder environment on a CentOS 5 machine but didn't get very far.  The initial yum install command references a...
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    last modified by cpuffalt
  • Image creation succeeded even though rpm failed

    I was able to create a vmware image from an appliance file that incorprated the cirras appliance and a custom local rubygem rpm. During the build of the image, the rubygem rpm is failing during the %pre scriplet phase...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • Producing an EBS backed AMI

    So it turns out I need an EBS backed AMI for an AWS usecase. I just looked at what EBS was from here: http://aws.typepad.com/aws/2009/12/new-amazon-ec2-feature-boot-from-elastic-block-store.html   Is that an op...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • Allowing multiple ec2 images

    I had created and uploaded a fedora 13 based ec2 image in the past, and today created a new image and tried to upload it. First I saw that the uploaded ami had the same id as a previous one. I deleted the ami and ran ...
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  • umount: /sysroot/proc: device is busy.

    I'm seeing problems at the end of running boxgrinder-build while trying to umount /sysroot/proc:   {code} D, [2010-09-01T11:44:39.294862 #22644] DEBUG -- : Repositories installed. I, [2010-09-01T11:44:39.29497...
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    last modified by bfulton
  • Problem when building an appliance file

    Hello,     when trying to build boxgrinder with an appliance description file, i become the attached erro list. can someone plese tell me what is the matter?     PS:  i have attached the jbo...
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    last modified by ingedeut
  • configuration file for delivery S3??

    Hi,   can someone please tell me waht kind of extensions hat the configuration file for delivery S3, and what is the name that should be taked? An Example is helpful.   I have read the document about plug...
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    last modified by ingedeut
  • is it possible to deliver an emi (for Eucalyptus) image with Boxgrinder?

    Hallo,     i know that it is possible to deliver an AMI for Amazon EC2 with Boxgrinder. But what is about EMI (Image Format for  Eucalypus  Cloud)??   i work with a private Cloud which is bu...
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  • Error during ec2 image creating running losetup

    A boxgrinder build failed with:   I, [2010-09-03T11:59:18.965288 #21804]  INFO -- : Converting hostmanager appliance image to EC2 format... E, [2010-09-03T11:59:21.386644 #21804] ERROR -- : /usr/lib/ruby/ge...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • boxgrinder-build failed???

    Hallo,   i have tried to run the BoxGrinder quickstart with the same data http://community.jboss.org/wiki/BoxGrinderBuildQuickStart . I become but the following error:     [root@linux appliances]# boxg...
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    last modified by ingedeut
  • Dependency issue on rubygems?

    I'm working on building a new appliance using my own RPM in a local repository, and on the first try to create the appliance I see this error:   I, [2010-08-26T10:13:22.720716 #27585]  INFO -- : Building hos...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • How to write a spec file for rpm

    Hi Marek,   can you please give me any help about how to write a spec file in order to build a rpm for jbossesb? I have read the spec file for gatein but i don't untersand it. I will appreciate any help.   ...
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    last modified by ingedeut
  • Creating a local repo

    Hi,   Are there docs on creating the local repository format, in particular the repodata/ contents? Even better, a simple tool to create these?   EDIT: Moved the thread to new BoxGrinder space
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    last modified by starksm64