• Problems with Enterprise v5 derivatives

    I'm having a bit of fun with CentOS 5 and SL 5 builds using the meta-appliance.   I'm using a JEOS appliance definition file.   name: JEOS os:   name: centos   version: 5 appliances:   ...
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    last modified by neilwilson
  • Support for --fsoptions?

    Hi all,   I noticed in boxgrinder-build-0.10.2/lib/boxgrinder-build/plugins/os/rpm-based/src/appliance.ks.erb that there's support for --fsoptions via an options: key in a .appl file.  However, that key isn...
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    last modified by malan
  • Add an aditional virtual disk

    Hi,      Is it posible to define an aditional virtual disk (/dev/sdb) for instance:   hardware:    disk      sdb      partitions:  &#...
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    last modified by roldancer
  • What are the virtual HD size limits?

    I have been trying to make a 1.2 TB virtual drive as part of a vmware images. Things are going very slowly... or just taking forever. I was wondering if there was a limitation on the size that the virtual drive can be...
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    last modified by mbabineau
  • Kernel boot parameters

    Hi all,   Currently, building CentOS 6.2 or RHEL 6.2 EC2 images means that EC2 devices configured at /dev/sda will show up as /dev/xvde.  There was a length discussion in RedHat's Bugzilla about it a: ...
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    last modified by jrosengren
  • Export for Hyper-V?

    Hello all Does anyone have any input into this question? I can see that qemu-img can convert from hyper-v but have not found any good explanations on going the other way! I guess that if I create a raw image this can...
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    last modified by hagis
  • 1.7 ec2 meta appliance pulled?

    Hi there,   I was looking for the 1.7 version ec2 meta appliance AMI in the AMI list today and it looked like both the x86_64 and i686 versions of the 1.7 meta appliance had been pulled (or marked private). ...
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    last modified by jrosengren
  • SUSE/SLES support?

    Has anybody looked into creating SUSE Enterprise VM's with boxgrinder?   I'm willing to work on it, but I was wondering if anybody has done any work on it or determined that it's too hard?   Thanks,  ...
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    last modified by dparrish
  • 64bit Fedora 15 images fail to boot on EC2

    I am trying to generate a 64bit Fedora 15 image for EC2 containing boxgrinder so I can generate EBS  images there. I have not been successul in booting any of the 64bit Fedora 15 images I have created. I have be...
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    last modified by dpalma
  • When will the 0.10.2 update be available?

    The meta-appliance is still using 0.10.1 and there doesn't appear to be a 0.10.2 release either in Gem or the archives.   Are there plans to do a release? I'm itching to try a Fedora 17 build
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    last modified by neilwilson
  • Grubby kernel update problems with CentOS 5 AMI (missing /boot partition)

    Hi All,   I use boxgrinder to create my own CentOS 5 AMI for Amazon. The problem is when I want to update the kernel of that CentOS 5 instance "grubby" (part of mkinitrd) cannot modify /boot/grub/grub.conf with...
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    last modified by groentebroer
  • Missing `gem_original_require'

    Hi,   I am trying to install Boxgrinder on SL6.  I basically followed the instructions from http://blog.frameos.org/2011/11/11/installing-boxgrinder-in-rhelcentos-6-distributions/.   The problem is th...
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    last modified by tiradani
  • ESX plugin fails - can't convert Float into String (TypeError)

    I am trying to upload a newly created VM to the ESXi machine. It seems as if there is some issue getting the with the esx_host variable.   here is the output of the log ......................... D, [2012-05-1...
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    last modified by mbabineau
  • Questions regarding partitions

    Hi,   How does the partition scheme work? I have two partitions "/": size: 5 "/var":   size: 2     When the appliance is built,  I do not see the partitions /var on the appliance whe...
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    last modified by supriyashivkumar
  • auto mount iSCSI

    Ive gone through several appliance builds just trying to get the feel of things and I love Boxgrinder; makes things so easy! Curious tho, I'm attempting to mount an iSCSI on a new vmdk and when building it throws an e...
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    last modified by crownedzero
  • esx plugin, failing with load of 'main' plugin

    Hey all!   I'm new to boxgrinder. I'm using it for my companies work with creating automated nightly images as well as deliverables for customers. We have the need to push out to an ESXi machine. I found the aw...
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    last modified by mbabineau
  • Default_repos stanza is undefined

    Hi,   I'm using the latest amazon meta appliance I believe   Appliance: boxgrinder-meta appliance 1.6   When I add "default_repos: false" I get the below error:   E, [2012-04-05T14:33:59.805449 #...
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    last modified by fcoj
  • Packages @core @base

    Hi All,         Can someone tell me which packages are included in the @core and @base package definition ?   Thanks.
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    last modified by roldancer
  • General questions about BoxGrinder

    Hi All,      I have some basic questions about BG (BoxGrinder)   1) When will be supported RHEL 6.2 ? 2) Is it posible to add a existing vmdk file to an appliance definition ? 3) Is it pos...
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    last modified by roldancer
  • kickstart support

    Hi All,      Is it posible to use a kickstart file to build the OS ?   Thanks.
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    last modified by roldancer