• How to write a spec file for rpm

    Hi Marek,   can you please give me any help about how to write a spec file in order to build a rpm for jbossesb? I have read the spec file for gatein but i don't untersand it. I will appreciate any help.   ...
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    last modified by ingedeut
  • Creating a local repo

    Hi,   Are there docs on creating the local repository format, in particular the repodata/ contents? Even better, a simple tool to create these?   EDIT: Moved the thread to new BoxGrinder space
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    last modified by starksm64
  • cant install centos-os-plugin

    #> gem install boxgrinder-build-centos-os-plugin ERROR:  Error installing boxgrinder-build-centos-os-plugin:         boxgrinder-build-rhel-os-plugin requires boxgrinder-build...
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    last modified by mrfred8
  • 32 vs 64 bit

    If I want to build both 64 and 32 bit ec2 images,  do I need two installs of boxgrinder ?
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    last modified by mrfred8
  • BoxGrinder REST | API

    This document describes API operations and arguments for BoxGrinder REST. Output formats There are several output formats: .yaml or HTTP Header: Accept: text/yaml .xml or HTTP Header: Accept: text/xml .json or HTTP...
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    last modified by goldmann
  • BoxGrinder REST | Artifacts

    Artifacts In BoxGrinder REST there are three artifacts: Appliance – BoxGrinder Build | Appliance Definition File representation in BoxGrind REST, Image – appliance in binary format (appliance after build...
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    last modified by goldmann
  • BoxGrinder REST | Quick Start

    Software needed BoxGrinder REST PostgreSQL BoxGrinder Node JRuby Architecture To run BoxGrinder as a service with RESTful API you need to launch a BoxGrinder REST server. REST server will take all incoming requests...
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    last modified by goldmann
  • What is cirras.ec2.manifest.xml?

    I'm trying to build an ami for the current cirras appliance, but it wants some cirras.ec2.manifest.xml. What is this, what is the format? [starksm@fedora13 BoxGrinder]$ sudo boxgrinder-build appliances/cirras.appl -p...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • repo format docs

    Hi, in looking through the StormGrind docs I don't see a description of the repo layout used by the applicance defintion file. Does this have to use rpms as the artifacts?  
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    last modified by starksm64
  • man pages on boxgrinder VM's

    I noticed that man pages are not setup on the VM's that get built using BoxGrinder.  Even the boxgrinder meta appliance doesn't have the man pages setup correctly.  In my VM, I've verified that the man and m...
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    last modified by tpedone
  • Box Grinder on CentOS

    The release notes seem to imply that CentOS is supported.  I tried to install the tools using:   yum -y install git parted wget rpmdevtools appliance-tools sudo libguestfs ruby-libguestfs guestfish yum-utils...
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    last modified by tpedone
  • How do I create a JEOS image

    Hi,   I would like to know how you create a JEOS image. I tried to create a JEOS image using the getting started instructions, but these images didn't work on VMware Fusion.   Cheers,   Martin
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    last modified by martinborgman
  • BoxGrinder Presentation

    I'll be doing a presentation about BoxGrinder at the Open-Source Cloud Computing Forum on February 10th.   It's free and virtual, so no reason not to attend.
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    last modified by bob.mcwhirter