• How to build rhq

    Hello,   I am a newbie to JBoss. I am trying to rebuild rhq trunk before I make any change or add any new plugins.   This is what I did so far:   1. set up maven env and svn client (no problem) 2. e...
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    last modified by guorong
  • JBoss Project Release Process

    Overview  The goal of the release process is to: Update the version numbers in the project source Create a tag to record the source release Build from the tag Deploy the artifacts to the Maven repository an...
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    last modified by pgier
  • Artifactories consistency check has detected broken POMS

    Hi to all,   using JBoss maven repo plain does work fine.   Unfortunately, using internal artifactory with configured JBoss Maven repo does not work out of the box.   Having troubles with these artif...
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    last modified by michaelschuetz
  • Maven Settings Example - Users

    The page provides an example settings.xml file for JBoss.org project users.  This file is normally located in the users home directory under .m2 ( ~/.m2/settings.xml ).  The sections that have been added spe...
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    last modified by pgier
  • MavenSettingsExample

    For information about configuring Maven with JBoss community projects, please see Maven Getting Started - Users (if you want to use JBoss projects) or Maven Getting Started - Developers (if you want to build jboss pro...
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    last modified by pgier
  • Maven

    This page is a central location for information about Maven related to building JBoss projects. Getting Started with Maven  If you are new to Maven you might start with the Apache Maven tutorial. For a complet...
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    last modified by dan.j.allen
  • JbossDeployMavenPlugin

    This plugin has been renamed to to the maven-buildmagic-thirdparty-plugin. Note: if you are looking for a Maven plugin to deploy application to a JBoss server, you probably want the jboss-maven-plugin at codehaus.
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    last modified by pgier
  • Error building AS 6 from SVN

    Hi dudes,   I get follworing error on building AS 6 Snapshot from SVN and have no idea why this occurs. May one of you have a hint, what could solve the problem.   Problem just occurs on osgi module.  ...
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    last modified by florianhell
  • Nexus 1.7.1 Upgrade

    We have completed the upgrade of our Nexus instance (https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/).  The upgrade went smoothly, however this upgrade requires a full rebuild of the Nexus index files.  The index genera...
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    created by pgier
  • The right way to use the staging servers

    Hi Paul,   Nick and I were just discussing options for the correct way to use the staging servers for testing.    From this discussion - Some artifacts cannot be downloaded from staging repository I ...
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    last modified by jbalunas
  • Examining Artifacts in Nexus Groups

    If you've used repository groups in Nexus, you may have run into the issue where you see an artifact in a repository group and wonder "where did this artifact come from?"  In other words you would like to know wh...
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    created by pgier
  • Is index file for "JBoss Releases" and "JBoss Snapshots" ever republished?

    I've linked my 'proxy' repository to 'https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/repositories/releases/', but I suspect that the index file for this repository is way out of date.  For example I can only see 3.5....
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    last modified by alex-pub.jboss
  • Maven Repository Magic

    We have an upcoming presentation that will discuss using Maven repositories and specifically the JBoss.org Maven repositories.  The presentation will be given internally for Red Hat employees tomorrow (June 15), ...
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    created by pgier
  • Maven Settings Example - Developers

    This page provides a complete example Maven settings file (settings.xml) for JBoss developers.  This file is normally located in the users home directory under .m2 (~/.m2/settings.xml).   NOTE:  We stro...
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    last modified by pgier
  • Some artifacts cannot be downloaded from staging repository

    Hello all,   I'm having problems downloading artifacts from staging repository. Some artifacts are downloaded, but some are not. Steps to reproduce:   1) Check out https://svn.jboss.org/repos/richfaces/ro...
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    last modified by nbelaevski
  • Maven Cookbook

    This is a collection point for difficult or tricky use cases related to Maven builds at JBoss. I'd like to log concrete problems and solutions here as we come across them.   To Add an Entry:   Please note ...
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    last modified by jdcasey
  • Maven Repository Performance Update 2

    We've made two changes to our repository configuration as brought up in the forum (http://community.jboss.org/message/545189).  The first is that the proxy repositories have been added to the public group.  ...
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    created by pgier
  • Changes to the Maven repository config

    I'm planning couple of changes to the Maven repository, with the goal of improving performance and making configuration a bit easier.   Use mixed http/https for the repository Currently we're using only https for...
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    created by pgier
  • Download of component-matrix artifact from public nexus repo fails

    Our EJB3 hudson environment uses the public nexus repo settings.xml (as posted here http://community.jboss.org/message/541353#541353). Things had been working so far without issues. However, recently we have been seei...
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    last modified by jaikiran
  • Quicker AS build?

    When building the AS trunk, i usually see numerous snapshots being downloded. This seems to happen (atleast) once a day. For example, this morning when i triggered a build on the "testsuite" module of AS trunk:  ...
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    last modified by jaikiran