Thread Out of memory due to strong ClassLoader references
Out of memory due to strong ClassLoader referencesHi adinn, Hope you are doing well. We have a customer application where the app constantly creates/destroys ClassLoaders at run time. We try to instrument the classes loaded using these ClassLoaders using Byte...
Getting Premature end of file errorHi, We are using JBOSS 6 as application server for our PEGA application. But we are getting "Premature end of file" error everytime in our server logs. Please help me out to solve this issue. ...
Thread System property to be used to define if agent was loaded
System property to be used to define if agent was loadedHi adinn, I have a quick question here. While trying to get running arquillian byteman extension I got to the org.jboss.byteman.agent.Main and I wonder if the defined property "org.jboss.byteman.agent.loaded" ...
Thread LoadCache holds strong references to Classloaders - indirectly
LoadCache holds strong references to Classloaders - indirectlyHi Andrew, loaderMaps in LoadCache is a WeakHashMap. But since the secondary map in the loaderMaps, holds a strong reference to the class loaded by the Classloader (key of the loaderMap), the ClassLoader is no...
Could we optimize the Helper.linkMap API?Hi Rajiv, rajiv.shivane wrote: Now that you mention switching from a HashMap to field, it reminds me of a feature request. I will start a new thread about it, but here is roughly what I was thinking: I...
Reducing Rule Helper instancesHello Andrew and team: We are observing that one instance of our custom Rule Helper is created for every execution of the Rule. To reduce the GC burden, it would be nice if the Rule Helper instances could be r...
Thread Accessible method for injecting Byteman agent to current JVM
Accessible method for injecting Byteman agent to current JVMHi adinn, as I was playing with dtest library a bit I was thinking it could be beneficial to have some java utility method somewhere in Byteman that give me chance to install Byteman agent to the currently run...
Byteman vs JBoss Modules classloadingHello Byteman community, there is a post about classloading Helper hits "argument type mismatch" on EAP I am facing the same problem with Wildfly 8. Has anybody made any progress on the proposed solution by ...
Thread Dtest library change to support INTERFACE in any Intrumentor method
Dtest library change to support INTERFACE in any Intrumentor methodHi Andrew, I've propsed another change for Dtest library where I would like to have chance to use globaly not only CLASS hook but INTERFACE as wel.. My proposal is now done in PR:
Eclipse implementationI am starting an Eclipse Tooling implementation for Byteman that will provide: an editor (with syntax highlighting, error markers, code assist) possibility to add Byteman agent to common Eclipse launch (Java, OSGI f...
Proposal of dtest library enhancementHi all, I would like propose an enhancement to dtest library API. My initial PR is here: What are points what I'm trying to enhance adding "api" metho...
Thread Finding Superclasses and Interfaces: An Idea
Finding Superclasses and Interfaces: An IdeaHi, With CLASS ^ & INTERFACE ^, byteman needs to know all of the class's superclasses and the interfaces, including superinterfaces. But at the time byteman is in charge, i.e., at the time the class is being ...
Thread Enhancing dtest Instrumentor class to not work only for localhost
Enhancing dtest Instrumentor class to not work only for localhostI would like to enhance ability of dtest helper to not work only on localhost. Currently what I can see in code Instrumentor class creates a java rmi registry which sits on test side. In my case I start a JBoss app se...
Byteman two questionsHello, I don't know the right place where I can ask. But there is no place. So.. understand my desperate situations. I have been stuck in two problems. First. Using BMUnit with Spring Application without maven build f...
JBossModules plugin issueHello I have used the JBossModules plugin for Byteman to allow rules to IMPORT a custom JBoss Modules module and its HELPER class to do some manipulations of Wildfly's JGroups and Infinispan classes. The rules...
Thread Upgrade to Byteman (debug/verbose) tracing [BYTEMAN-294]
Upgrade to Byteman (debug/verbose) tracing [BYTEMAN-294]Intro I have had a few thoughts about what is needed to improve the behaviour of Byteman debug and verbose mode tracing (the task covered by BYTEMAN-249) which I want to sumamrize in this discussion. None of th...