• Need Help..ASAP...

    I am a newbie to Ajax and JSF using Jboss portal. Overall all is going pretty good but here is my first attempt to use these API's. <a4j:form id="SVPSelection"> <h:panelGrid columns="1"> <h:selectOn...
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    last modified by johnboy
  • Cookies and Ajax4SJF

    Hi, If I turn off the use of cookies in JBoss in the deploy/jboss-web.deployer/context.xml file: <Context cookies=" false "... Ajax4JSF stops working. It sends the same JSF page instead of the JavaScript code: ...
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    last modified by carlosgg
  • Partial submit with h:commandLink

    Being new to ajax4jsf I am not sure how to go about coding this. I have a command link on a page that says "Add New Widget". When this link is clicked this enables a new part of a form to appear. The only control on t...
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    last modified by mangelo123
  • Problem : "view state could't be restored"

    Hello, I use a4j in a page with several <a4j:region> and I have the alert "view state could't be restored" which appears after 5 mins. I don't know why. Thanks for your help
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    last modified by mblondel
  • Ajax4jsf generates hidden value to large

    Hi all, I'm using ajax4jsf to develop my project. When view source of a JSF page on web browse I see this thing: <input type="hidden" name="jsf_tree_64" id="jsf_tree_64" value="rO0ABXNyAEdvcmcuYXBhY2hlLm15ZmFjZXM...
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    last modified by pnk087
  • javascript from action class method

    how can i call to JS function from actionListener method (Java)?
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    last modified by vatoslokos
  • AjaxContext Usage

    Hello, I'm using Ajax4Jsf in a JEE5 application (JSF is Sun RI 1.2, Shale Tiles, Ajax4Jsf 1.1.2), and running into an issue with the complete page rendering when I only want the ajax region to rerender. My code works...
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    last modified by wbossons
  • AJAX Forms

    Hola ! I am trying to make a web application completely based on AJAX requests, suported by Ricachfaces Framework I am form for "creating an item" , in my database , I when I press submit button it is created , but ...
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    last modified by deibys
  • Problem  in re-rendering the Custom component

    I have a custom tag that renders a javascript object to the page which basically extends datatable for client side sorting of columns. But the default re-renderer appears not to work. I think it might be because of r...
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    last modified by dileepkk
  • Submitting an AJAX form and displaying messages

      <a4j:form ajaxSubmit="true" reRender="messages2" id="createUserForm" > <a4j:outputPanel ajaxRendered="true"> <h:messages /> </a4j:outputPanel> <h:panelGrid columns="2" cellspacing...
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    last modified by deibys
  • assignTo property in UIActionParameter

    Hi, This property still requires a ValueBinding, which is deprecated since JSF 1.2, and should be replaced with ValueExpression. Will there be a setAssignToExpression/getAssignToExpression as in most of ajax4jsf clas...
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    created by pericoloso
  • Verify the integrity of downloaded ajax4jsf zip files

    Hello, I downloaded jboss-ajax4jsf-1.1.1-bin.zip file from: http://labs.jboss.org/jbossajax4jsf/. There is no 'MD5' or 'PGP' file associated with it. How do I verify the integrity of downloaded ajax4jsf files ? Is t...
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    created by jbjava
  • Problems with Ajax4jsf 1.1.1 and IE 6.0

    Hi. I have some problems with ajax4jsf in IE 6, sometimes i can't write in a <h:InputText > when i wrote in others InputText, i can't make render and renderer. I try this in Firefox and it works, but i don't k...
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    last modified by jmarin
  • Potential flaw in AjaxStateManager

    In method restoreStateFromSession(FacesContext, String, String), there seems to be a problem with restoring the last saved state on lines 285 and 293. The log messages above each of the lines explicitly states that th...
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    created by lukas.eder
  • Scope change in oncompete handler for a4j:commandButton?

    Did the scope in which the oncompete handler is executed change in 3.1? The behavior for the following component declaration changed in RichFaces 3.1 but I can't figure out why. I have been using this (validate, disa...
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    last modified by loopingrage
  • Ajax4JSF portlet can't fetch backing bean from session scope

    Seems when I put the backing bean in request scope, ajax4jsf wroks as expected. But when I put backing bean in session scope, ajax4jsf can't fetch backing bean. The <a4j:log> doesn't show anything. My environmen...
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    created by jingjingfu
  • 1.1.1 ?

    What's the status of 1.1.1 ? There's a tag in svn http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/ajax4jsf/tags/ and a jar here: http://repository.jboss.com/maven2/org/ajax4jsf/ajax4jsf/1.1.1/ but no announcement (?) and no fil...
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    last modified by mikhailf
  • a4j-portlet and MyFaces

    Hello! I tried to run the ajaxPortlet sample with the libs of MyFaces. The portlet ist rendered well and the ajax based functions are executed correctly. But when I clicked a button with action="#{somebean.somemethod...
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    last modified by bjoerne
  • ajax4jsf spring webflow tiles integration issue

    i found a problem using ajax4jsf with spring webflow and tiles. The problem seems to be when the jsp page is rendered through webflow and tiles any ajax request in that page like <a4j:support event="...." rerender...
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    last modified by pikup
  • Ajax4Jsf polling : Can I change the HTTP Port of polling?

    Hi, I'm facing a policy problem with our customer. I'm not able to poll the server overt the classic HTTP port (in my case 80). Is there any issue to perform polling over a specific HTTP port with a4j:poll ? If it i...
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    last modified by flash_ox