• Virtual hosts

    Please keep it simple. I'm a ISP and hundreds of clients. Using IP addresses won't work. Rather keep to user@domain. This is simple and clean.
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    last modified by wlabuschagne
  • ClassNotFoundException when start jbms-m3 in jboss-4.0.3

    when I start jbms-m3 in jboss-4.0.3 ,I get the following Exception: 2005-10-14 14:35:23,046 INFO [org.jboss.system.ServiceConfigurator] Problem configuring service jboss.mail:type=MailServices,name=MailBodyManager ja...
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    last modified by dyjun55
  • JBMS and Hibernate

    Whenever I try to start the JBoss server with the JBoss Mail Server installed, I get the following error: --- MBeans waiting for other MBeans --- ObjectName: jboss.mail:service=Hibernate State: CONFIGURED I Depend On...
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    last modified by jdoe777
  • REQ: Web Mail Tutorial

    Hi guys,,,, I realy appreciate your efforts to make JBoss widely known by making it user friendly and easy to implement. I need your help to build my first Web Mail service with JMS, please support me with any tip...
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    last modified by ba02000
  • How to do logging

    Now that we require JDK 1.5 let's do logging like this: http://www.javalobby.org/java/forums/t53843.html Soooo much nicer.
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    created by acoliver
  • DNS Configuration

    hi there,,,,, I'm new to JBMS and I don't know how to configure DNS in JBMS, please help me to do that step by step. thanx,
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    last modified by ba02000
  • Progress or lack there of on Virtual Hosts

    So I'm working on the virtual hosts stuff. I've made progress...then made anti-progress (meaning I'm going to have to roll some of what I haven't committed back).. My original idea was to do this much more like a web...
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    last modified by acoliver
  • Non GUI Install

    I'm currently using the James mail server for our productions needs; but am in the process of learning about the JBoss mail server. So I'm new to everything JBoss. Reading through the installation of M3, it looks lik...
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    last modified by chane
  • Mailbox Refactoring (for IMAP/etc)

    MikeB and I had a little ex-parte exchange and after hearing from him and taking a look I've come to the same conclusion: "the mailbox implementation needs to be completely rewritten". We are already like a month lat...
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    created by acoliver
  • Holding on to connections

    Has anyone seen connections being held open on M3? I'm seeing this only to ONE particular server. I'm not sure whose fault it is. I think it is incoming mail only...I can't seem to reproduce it myself...
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    last modified by acoliver
  • Patch for M3 (problems with Ristretto connecting/Qmail)

    See this wiki link: http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=WhyDoesRistrettoOrOtherSimilarMailClientPukeWhenSendingMailToJBMS1.0M3 If you applied this patch before Monday, Oct 17, 2005 19:27PM EST then you should ap...
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    created by acoliver
  • M4-pre1 tomorrow?

    So we're late...as expected...with M4. That being said, I want to keep the heartbeat moving so I'm going to cut an M4-pre1 release on Thursday if all goes well. I'm knee deep in various "off the roadmap" issues right ...
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    last modified by acoliver
  • Unit Tests and XScripts

    Hi, I have fixed the JUnits that have broken as a result of the change to the HELO SMTP handler and JBMAIL-126 (I was doing very naugty things with the Velocity templates). They are working again with the exception t...
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    last modified by mikezzz
  • Feedback wanted on Virtual Hosts

    I originally sent this to Eric (one of our administrator dudes) at jboss... However I thought the group might be able to help too: One of the things I'm working on right now for JBMS is virtual hosts. Meaning one mai...
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    last modified by acoliver
  • SMTPSender hosed?

    I can't get SMTPSender to send mail (HEAD).... 2005-10-03 16:14:19,557 INFO [STDOUT] C: 16:14:19,609 INFO [STDOUT] S: 250 Recipient <acoliver@superlinksoftware.com> OK 16:14:19,610 ERROR [SMTPSender] Unble to s...
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    last modified by acoliver
  • JBMS & Local Mailbox Handler

    Hello, When handling a message to a local mailbox, if the mailbox does not exist, HnMailBoxManager seems to create a new mailbox. This makes it difficult for me to get a bounced mail message for a non-existent mailbo...
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    last modified by k2shah
  • Issue JBMAIL-102

    I have been looking at http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBMAIL-102 and so far I haven't noticed a problem. Has this already been fixed possibly or am I looking at the wrong place? In StoreItemImpl, I see the line: ...
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    last modified by jeff87
  • Error 550 Not Authorized

    I've gotten the mail server so that it will reliably deliver messages to local mailboxes but when I try to specify a recipient that isn't on the local machine I get rcpt to: <myaccount@gmail.com> 550 Not Author...
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    last modified by wobbet
  • JBMS & Custom application logic

    Hello, I'm currently evaluating JBMS for integration with our product. Our product has a requirement to handle workflows over email. This requires me to be able to detect bounced/failed email messages & email res...
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    last modified by k2shah
  • mail.har has duplicate classes

    I was unzipping the current jboss-mail mail.har and unzip is saying that there are duplicate classes in this: [starksm@banshee9100 har]$ unzip ../mail.har Archive: ../mail.har ... replace org/jboss/mail/mailbox/hn/...
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    last modified by starksm64